
Saturday, October 27, 2018

DAY 6: 2018 Cat Lovers Hop


Welcome to Day 6 of the

 If you have a project to linkup....(today is the LAST DAY to LINK UP!)... please SIGN IN HERE (required to be eligible for prizes) and then go to the Main Hop Page
(Please use #CatLoversHop2018 on social media!!)
 Also, please check out my
2018 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs

Hi, Friends......

I can't believe it is already Day 6 and THE LAST DAY TO LINK UP PROJECTS!!!  Despair not, though, because you can still COMMENT THROUGH TOMORROW!!!  Comments close at 11:59 pm, Sunday, Oct.28, 2018.   Yes, you get an extra day to catch up on your commenting...especially for those last-second projects that get linked up near midnight tonight!!  :)  Tomorrow's post will be a Wrap-Up Post and will have a link-up for you to enter if you have heroically managed to comment on every single project!! (You marathon commenters must have a much faster internet connection than mine is here in Idaho!!)

Let's get on to the final group of super-awesome sponsors: JessicaLynnOriginal, Hampton Art, Stamplorations, MarkerPOP, Altenew (#altenew), and, as always, for our Daily Game, Ike's Art.


JessicaLynnOriginal is one of our lovely  returning sponsors this year.


They are offering their adorable Celine's Kittens stamp set to a lucky winner!!

Please take time to visit JessicaLynnOriginal at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2018 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"

Hampton Art

Many of you already noticed that Hampton Art was the sponsor for pre-Hop Badge Giveaway (now closed). Thank you to all of you who helped publicize the Hop by posting the badge on your blog, FB, IG, etc.


Hampton Art generously provided the fabulous Art Impressions - Crazy Cat Lady stamp set for one lucky winner.  If you haven't already thanked them, please see the links below. :)

Please take time to visit Hampton Art at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2018 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"

Please welcome new sponsor, Stamplorations, to our 2018 Cat Lovers Hop!!

Shery at Stamplorations is kindly offering a $15 Gift Voucher to their online store to one lucky winner!!

Please take time to visit Stamplorations at these social media spots: Blog, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2018 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"


I am happy to welcome MarkerPOP back as a returning sponsor.  They offer an amazing selection of coloring products as well as a huge number of fabulous stamp sets and dies.  

This year MarkerPOP is offering a Mystery Prize worth at least $50 to a lucky USA winner who is willing to pay $6.50 shipping
Probably a bag, not a box!!  lol....
via PayPal.  
(If you are interested in being in the drawing for this prize and paying the shipping, leave me a comment on the MAIN HOP POST telling me "YES to MarkerPOP".)

Please take time to visit MarkerPOP at these social media spots: TwitterInstagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2018 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"

Altenew (#altenew)

I am delighted to welcome new sponsor, Altenew!! 

Altenew is generously donating one of their awesome layering Modern Cats stamp sets to a lucky winner.  (I'm soooooo jealous!!!  lol...)

Please take time to visit Altenew (and please use #Altenew) at these social media spots: TwitterInstagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2018 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"

The Daily Game is generously sponsored each day by Ike's Art!!!

Please take time to visit Ike at these social media spots: BlogInstagram, Store, and Facebook Group. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2018 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"

BONUS:  Ike's Show us Your Pussies - Cats Only Challenge theme this month is Furrything Goes + MEOW-loween.  So if you make a kitty creation for the Cat Hop (Halloween or not), you can also link it up over there!!  Yay!!

Ike has graciously designed a new seasonal set of digital images for prizes for our Daily Games.  I will randomly choose 4 winners from all the entries in the Daily Games to win one of these fab images.  (NOTE:  You must link up your name in the linky tool at the bottom of each post to be in the drawing for the digi prizes.)  I will be featuring each of the images individually on the next four days of the hop.

I don't have an image to feature today because I did each of them for the last several days.  You can see them on the previous posts...Days 2, 3, 4, 5.


Not all of you use digis and have indicated that to me when you SIGNED IN.  I hope you will still participate in the Daily Game.  You do NOT have to participate in the digi giveaway to answer the Daily Game question that lets us all get to know each other better.  If you want to be in the digi prize drawing, link up your name each day that you participate.

DAY 6 GAME:  Do you trim your cat's claws?  What do you use?  Do any of you use SoftClaws, or similar nail caps?

I'll start........Of course I trim my cats' claws!!! If I didn't trim them, I would be torn to shreds every time I picked one up, with their clinging on to me and making happy feet all over me. Yowch!! It is unbelievable how long and sharp their claws grow.

I use inexpensive regular nail clippers that I buy a dozen at a time at the Dollar Store. That way I can have a pair handy any time an affectionate kitty reminds me that it is time for a trim! I nearly always have one in my pocket, but I also have one in my craft drawer, one in the kitchen, and several in the bathroom. We use them for our own "claws", too. When they get dull or have a the trash they go. When I am trying to sweet talk a kitty, I cannot mess around with clippers that don't work well!! 

I carefully begin trimming kitten claws as soon as I start getting scratches from them climbing around on me...usually around 10
weeks old. They get used to it is just part of living here! ❤❤❤

This is how to play the game to be eligible for the prize drawing:

1.  Leave a comment about how or if you trim your cat's claws.
2.  After you finish your comment:  if you want to be in the drawing for the prize, fill out your (own) name in the link up below.  This doesn't have any thumbnails so no photo needed!  You don't even need a blog!!!  This is for everyone!!!

NOTE: The Daily Game link ups will be open the entire duration of the Hop, including the extra day for comments. Entries need to be in by 11:55 pm Pacific, Sunday Oct. 28, 2018 to be eligible for the daily prize. So you have more than just today to comment and link up. I realize that not everyone has access to a printer or likes to use digis, so I am still keeping the link up gadget to make sure the digi prizes go to winners who can use them. But I am hoping EVERYONE will participate in answering the questions whether they are putting their name in for the prize or not.

Okay, now it is your turn!!  

REMEMBER: Link your cat-themed projects over on the Main Hop Page. (Please use #CatLoversHop2018 on social media!!) This link-up below is just to enter the drawing for the Daily Game after you have commented about nail trimming.  Thanks!!!

Thank you sooooooooooo much for being a part of the 2018 Cat Lovers Hop.  Your encouragement and participation has been a real boost to me!!!



  1. hahaha that cat meme is so funny!
    Oh no! last day!
    I do trim cat's claws. I have scissors for cats claws.

  2. Brilliant cat meme LoL
    It's a shame we are on the last day. I have so enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous kitty projects :-D
    No, I don't trim claws because none of my lot would let me and I also have a big Eucalyptus tree in the garden that they all use for scratching :-)

  3. I have 3 kitties, but I only trim nails on one, Omar Kitty. Max and Fuzzy use the scratching post and they will in NO WAY allow me to do a trimming. Omar is pretty laid back about it. I trim whenever they feel particularly sharp and pokey and I use a regular cat clipper while my husband holds up Omar, who is a hefty kitty too!

  4. I trim my cats claws with a cat nail trimmer. I have a bunch of them everywhere in the house so I can do it when I find them all relaxed. My little cat has to be held but he loves my husband so he doesn't mind too much. We also do the front paws at one time and then the back paws another so he doesn't get too stressed. Thanks so much for this challenge. I've really enjoyed all the projects.

  5. I've never trimmed the claws on any of the cats I have or have had. I keep good scratching posts around the house but I'm never sure whether they are using them to shed the outer layer or to sharpen their claws to rapier thinness! lol

  6. Love the cat meme! Hubby built a floor to ceiling cat pole with perches to climb to and a tube to hide in. It's attached to the ceiling and covered in rope to use as a scratching post. Getting kind of ragged and needs to be re-fur-bished, though so I do trim the front claws, at least on Goliath, with a regular large nail trimmer that is very sharp. Usually can't catch Jezzie, but she's still "camping" most of the time in the back yard and has plenty of trees to scratch on for her manicure. xxD

  7. Coco has to have her claws trimmed every month. I take her to a local pet supply shop that's only about a mile or two away from me. Sally does a fabulous job trimming them and doesn't charge much! She does a better job on it than I would do! Coco behaves very well for her too!

  8. Oooooh, more awesome sponsors and more awesome prizes! Yay! So generous! Yes, I do trim my cats' claws. Coincidentally I just trimmed all of them yesterday! Snowie has only her back claws but they still need to be trimmed. Kiwi has particularly troublesome claws so I have to be vigilant with the trimming - one of his claws grew so long and sharp that it curled into his paw-pad and caused bleeding. I've trimmed their claws since they were kittens but they still don't like it. The tool is a trimmer for cat claws that I got at the pet store. I get a new pair every now and then.

  9. My husband was in charge of clipping our pets nails. He used to work in a pet store so he new how. It was really funny how each of them had their own personalities when he would do it. Perky and Patience had their front claws removed at a very early age and Perky who was the most intelligent cat that I have ever met or owned knew something was missing when we brought him back home. He kept raising each front paw, expanding them, turning them over and then putting them back down. Then he would do it all over again as if saying to himself, something is missing here! LOL! The vet also said to keep both Perky and Patience docile for the first 3 days. Yeah right! They were chasing each other down the halls, up on the bed, down the halls, onto the freezer around the kitchen and then would start all over again. Boo was 6.5 years old when we got her and still had all of her nails. She was priceless to watch when my husband would cut back her nails. She would hiss and spit and growl while he did it and then as soon as he would let go of her paw, she would start purring super loud again. It was just way too funny to watch. She was 21 pounds and would just lay back in his lap while he did it. Perky and Patience were totally docile when he would clip their nails back, because we started doing it while they were still kittens and they were used to it. We used the special clipping tool for cat's claws. Even though Boo had all of her claws, she was actually quite good too! In the beginning when we would go to feed her treats her nails would come out. Then I would say to her "Ow! Boo, No nails!!!" Eventually, she caught on and it was soft paws from then on. Unless, she really, really liked her new treats. LOL!

  10. Hasn't this week flown by! A massive 'Thank You' to Janis once again for organising the Hop - it's been such fun playing the daily games and getting to know other cat lovers and see their beautiful work. I haven't managed to leave comments on everyone's blogs because of my Blogger issues, but I have sent most via Facebook messenger. If I missed you out, I'm really sorry but I couldn't find you on Facebook (Sue TH and Monika Skinner). On to today's game: I have trimmed our cats' claws with a regular trimmer from the pet store. Surprisingly they didn't really mind as long as they were rewarded for their good behaviour afterwards. Casey uses the tree trunks in our garden or the summerhouse porch posts (naughty boy!) these days to keep his claws neat and tidy.

  11. Yes, we definitely clip nails. My friend holds the beasties and tries to keep them calm while I clip. We used to use the big fancy ones but found out the cheapies like they use for baby nails are actually the best. The only cat who hasn't ever had his nails done is Eddie for obviously reasons, like my not really seeing him for the better part of his first 6 months. He still isn't into sitting on my lap. Thankfully he seems to take good care of himself. He hasn't had any knots in his fur or anything. That is strange because he has the soft fur like a long hair cat. I would say he has a medium length. Squirtles just insists on wriggling through the whole clipping process. Such an attitude. I even trained him on the leash and got him a nice harness. He acts up until I get it on him and then he's ready to go. Children have such attitudes these days.LOL

  12. I used to use regular nail clippers but then my cats claws would sometimes shred or split so I bought some real nail clippers at the pet store, which I still own. I even sometimes trimmed the nails of my daughter's friends cats and dogs when they need it!

  13. It's been an amazing group of sponsors you've rounded up, Janis! Thanks for all your hard work in getting them together and in posting all the links for us for easy access, too!! You're a SWEETHEART!!

    I can barely clip my own claws, let alone anyone elses! LOL! Our cats were always outdoor cats and they took care of their own mani/pedis!

  14. Our cat is an outdoor cat so she takes care of her own claws.

  15. I've never trimmed the claws because my grandma's cat was an outdoor cat.
    Thanks for this funny hop along this week!

  16. I trimmed them with inexpensive nail clippers and sometimes even filed their nails if they can behave well, LOL ?!


THANK YOU so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Your kind words encourage me so very much!!!

Have a lovely day!