
Sunday, November 1, 2020



Welcome to the Wrap-Up Day of the

The deadline for entering projects is past, but......
You can still COMMENT (on projects and participate in the Daily Games) ALL DAY TODAY to be in the running for the Comment Prizes!!!   
(Comments close at 11:59 pm Pacific, Sunday, Nov. 1, 2020.)
Please SIGN IN HERE (required to be eligible for prizes) 
and then go to the Main Hop Page to view the projects for commenting. The Daily Games are on the posts I made each day throughout the week.
Also, please check out my


Hi, Cat Hopper Friends!........

Whew....we made it!!  Have you had fun this week???  I hope you have enjoyed the Hop as much as I have! 

If you have made it all the way here to my Wrap-Up post, you are indeed very dedicated!!   THANK YOU  for your fabulous support and encouragement all through this week.   I am writing this post several hours before the cut-off for projects and we have nearly 200 entries!  WOW......Fabulous!  I thought our entry numbers might be greatly reduced by setting the limit at 5 per person, and we are a somewhat lower, but you all exceeded my expectations!!!  You are awesome!

Remember:  If you manage to comment on every single entry you may link your name up in the list below.   

One lucky marathon commenter will win a special prize from one of our sponsors! 

(Comments close at 11:59 pm Pacific, Sunday, Nov. 1, 2020.)

NOTE:  I realize that not all Hoppers have accounts at all of the various platforms where projects are FB, Flickr, IG, etc.  Just make a note in the comments if you couldn't access some of them and it will not count against you.

So.....just how ARE you doing at commenting?  I am waaaaaaaaay behind. This has been a crazy week in our home....aren't they all???  lol...  So it is amazing I got the Hop up and launched at all.  I WILL visit each of your projects, though....but it prob won't be by the end of today.  I like to take my time to read each post carefully and enjoy the stories and projects. I don't want to miss a thing!!  

As I was looking at my posts from past Hops, I came across something I wrote in 2016 describing how much I enjoy doing these Cat Hops.  I have copied it here:


I LOVE doing this hop because we have........

The best cat stories:
I can't thank each one of you enough for your participation.  I have so very much enjoyed the cat tales and projects you have shared.  I have laughed and cried along with you at the happy and sad experiences that are necessarily a part of having and losing beloved pets.  I have not had a chance to hop around to all the might take me a few days, but I WILL visit you!!  

The best people:
I have been delighted to see a few special features and giveaways on the linked up projects, too!!  THANK YOU for this special touch that makes our hop something very, very special!!  Cat lovers are some of the kindest, sweetest, and most giving people on the planet.  Everyone involved in this Hop shows that so very well!!!

The best sponsors. Oh, my!!!:
And.....haven't we had just the most generous sponsors, too????  I am deeply humbled at their continued support and encouragement.  I am just a crazy old cat lady who is a regular alleycat-variety blogger just like many of you.....not on any design teams ever....and these fabulous individuals at these wonderful companies were willing to take a chance and sponsor us!!!  That says TONS about how remarkable these companies are!!!  

I hope you have had time to tell them thank you!  I have included links for the social media pages of the featured sponsors on each of the daily posts to make it easy to express your if you haven't sent them each a message yet, feel free to go back to the previous pages to see where to thank them. 


I still feel that way about our Hops and all you fabulous Hoppers!!  Thank you so much. go ahead and finish up your commenting today.  Link up below if you comment on every single project!!

Comments and all Daily Game link-ups (including this one for commenting on all the projects) close at 11:59 pm Pacific, Sunday, Nov. 1, 2020.

Thank you for sharing your lives and your cats with our Hop family this week.  Be sure to check back in a few days when I make the Winners Post......probably Wednesday or a little later because I am working the election in our precinct on Tuesday.  All the Cat Hop winner random number-crunching takes a surprising amount of time!! 

Bye for now...I'm off to Hop!!  


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  1. Phew, over 200 lovely entries - and I've commented on all of them that i could comment on. I'm not a member of Split Coast Stampers so couldn't comment on Denise's entries, and haven't been able to comment on any of the flickr entries at all. I do have a flickr account but I'm locked out of it. (It tells me my password is incorrect, which I know it isn't, so I ask for a password reset and it says I can't have one because my email address isn't registered, so I try to set up a new account and it tells me I can't because an account with that email already exists. Sigh.)

  2. I visited every project, left comments on Facebook, blogs, Instagram and Pinterest. Sorry, I was unable to comment on a few works on Flickr and splitcoaststamper. However, I admired it with pleasure.
    Thank you for great fun and so many beautiful works.

  3. Hi Janis! Thank you for everything, my friend!! And what a delightful hop yet again! Everyone is so very talented and I always get new ideas & loads of inspiration. (I wasn't able to comment on #192, 194 & 195 only). Now, I need to go catch up on thanking the sponsors!!! ;-)

  4. Thank you Janis and sponsors!
    Thanks to all who came and visit my blog.
    I wanted to visit all but I dont have flickr and splitcoaststampers.
    But I did saw theres projects.
    Amazing projects from all!

  5. Thanks again for this fun hop, Janis! I acknowledged/thanked every sponsor and I commented on every entry. Great projects and wonderful camaraderie for the most part! Thanks again!

  6. I had an amazing time looking at all of these amazing projects for the last week and got tons of ideas and inspiration from them, I don't have some of the platforms that the projects was on and I do apologize for this but I did come everyday this week to read and see what everyone put on this hop thank you so much for doing this I had an excellent time

  7. Best laid plans all up the swannee but I will be trying to leave some love before the day is through. It's been fun. Still need to get poetic. Thanks for arranging this Janis. I know it's always a lot of work to arrange even the smallest event and this one is mega so well done and yes, thanks to all the awesome sponsors. HUgz

  8. Such a fun blog hop! Loved seeing everyone's awesome creations! What a talented bunch! I commented on all of the ones that I was able to; there were a few that I wasn't sure if it went through. Thanks so much for having this wonderful activity for all of us! It really gave me something to look forward to; Thank you! So sweet of you to put so much work and time into this! And Thank you to all the generous and kind sponsors! I'm off to visit their links. Enjoyed it so much!

  9. I can only comment on blogs and Facebook. I don't have account with social media sites like Twitter. Flickr, or Instagram, and I don't belong to Split Coast. This may have been the best hop ever, Janis, and we do appreciate you keeping it going each year. Thanks so much. :-D

  10. I was able to comment on all of the post except I do not have an account for Flikr or Split Coast!

    1. I linked also! I just finished all of the hop!

  11. I was able to comment on everyone except Tina Z Treebug - that account was blocked for some reason and I could only "like" Split Coast Stampers entries. Thanks again for such a fun hop and a chance to win one of these awesome prizes! Thanks to all the sponsors too!

  12. Thanks so much Janis, I commented on all the entries except the few that were on fb, insta and one on splitcoasters. I loved seeing everyone's projects, even bought me some new stamps inspired by what I saw! I loved receiving so many comments also - just lovely!!

  13. You always rock, Janis!! The Cat Lovers Hop has been amazing, thanks so much!! Thanks to the amazing sponsors and to all that commented my works!

  14. I love the Cat Lovers Hops for exactly the same reasons... plus getting my creative kitty fix!
    Thanks again for all your hard work!!!

  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you Janis! It has been another fabulous success! Your hard work is very much appreciated. I didn't get to finish commenting yet. It's 1.30 am and way passed my bedtime and I'm up to #180. I'm all done in, so I'll finish commenting tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who visited my little part of blog land and left lovely comments. This has to be the best blog hop ever!! Love to everyone from me and Casey! xxx

  16. I think I did it except for anyone on Facebook. thanks Janis for another great year.

  17. That's awesome! Congrats, everyone! I didn't make it around to see everyone's projects this year, but I was able to get about 2/3 done and then had to give up. Hmmmm, I just looked through the names on your linkup and I can confirm that all but one visited my projects. One person didn't visit any of my projects, so they must have linked up here by accident. Actually I don't recognize her name at all. Anyway, I just popped in to say THANK YOU for the hop! I can only imagine how much work it must be, and you have so many other things going on at the same time. Not sure how you do it all, but congrats on another successful hop! Thanks to you, I have a very long wish list of cat stamps! Already looking forward to next year!

  18. Well, I had every intention of commenting on every project, but my computer had other ideas...sigh. I'm hoping my computer issue will be easily fixed (ha!) and that I won't need a new computer.Anyway, I just loved seeing all the wonderful projects on the hop, and want to thank Janis again for hosting and putting this all together! Since we don't have any kitties at home anymore, it was fun getting my cat fix this week!

  19. You all are ahead of me! lol... I took yesterday off from the Hop and just tried to relax. :) I will work on getting through the list over the next few days.

    Thank you so much for those of you who commented on part or all of the list. A little hint.....since about half the prizes go to commenters and half to project link ups, those of you who comment on most or all of the projects are almost guaranteed to win one of the prizes!! ;)

    Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement to me, also. It means a lot!!


  20. Thanks for another amazing hop Janis!! I commented on many of the entries, but with Blair's birthday this week and Halloween all at the same time, I didn't get to a lot of them. My girls even checked out some of the projects and really had fun. Thank you to all of you who left such nice comments on their projects (and on mine). You are all the BEST!

  21. Thank you so much Janis for this exciting Cat Lovers Hop which I have always enjoyed very much. Also thank you to those who leave lovely comments on my pages. I have been dead tired working both Halloween and Cats Theme concurrently that I have forgotten to link up my name for commenting to all projects except for Split Coast. Looking forward to next year Hop.


THANK YOU so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Your kind words encourage me so very much!!!

Have a lovely day!