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.....And you don't want to miss a minute of the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop!!!! |
If you have a project to linkup, please SIGN IN HERE (required to be eligible for prizes) and then go to the Main Hop Page
(Please use #2020CatLoversHop on social media!!)
Also, please check out my
2020 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs
Hi, Friends.....
Welcome, Everyone!!! I am so glad you are here to join in the DAY 1 festivities of the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop!! Each day I will be posting fun things to see and do and win!
So how are you all doing? I know each of you has a tale to tell about this crazy year and so I encourage you to catch us up in the comments!!
I am running on a bit on the ragged edge this autumn, too! Biggest news is that I have a new little grandson, Miles, just born on Oct. 17.💟
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That took a huge chunk out of my Cat Hop prep, as you can imagine!! But I am here and so are you.....and I am so honored you all have taken time from your busy schedules to participate.
Throughout this week, I will feature each of our sponsors along with the prizes they are offering. My thanks to the sponsors who kindly provided photos and graphics for me to use, as well as the totally fabulous prizes!
Just a reminder.....You must SIGN IN HERE to be eligible for prizes. Also, LINK UP ALL PROJECTS ON THE MAIN HOP PAGE by 11:55 pm Pacific, Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020. I have my 2020 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs in a handy tab just under my header at the top of each page.
Okay on to the Day 1 festivities........
My featured sponsors today are: Lost Coast Designs, Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps, Your Next Stamp, Crackerbox & Suzy Stamps, Ellen Hutson, Fiki, Pink & Main, and Ike's Art (kindly sponsoring our Daily Games each day).
Let's get started with the introductions.....

I am delighted to start today's lineup with returning sponsor Lost Coast Designs and sister company Carmen's Veranda. They feature a wonderful and eclectic assortment of rubber stamps that are so much fun.
Our friend, Gail, Ionabunny......(who wears so many hats in blogland that she needs a whole closet just for her volunteer positions!!!)......is the DT leader at Lost Coast Designs and arranged for them to sponsor. (THANKS, Gail!!)
PRIZE: Lost Coast Designs is offering $10 worth of stamps from their online store to one lucky winner!!
BONUS: Right now there is a Furry Friends Challenge going on at their shared challenge blog. Your entry must have actual real stamping as the focal point. They also have their annual 31 Days of Halloween Challenge going on for your stamped Halloween projects. Rules and Details for their challenges are HERE.
Gail has a special Cat Lovers Hop Blog Post today on the Lost Coast Designs challenge site. Be sure to check it out!!
Please take time to visit Lost Coast Designs at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Carmen's Veranda Facebook. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Please say a welcoming Meow to returning sponsor Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps. Leigh designs absolutely wonderful whimsical and quirky digital images.
PRIZE: Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps is offering a specially designed digital Cats Galore Collage and Senti Set to one lucky Cat Hop winner. Super-fun!!!
BONUS: Leigh is celebrating the 31 Days of Halloween with a
EXTRA BONUS: Leigh has a coupon code especially for Cat Hoppers! It's good for 20% off her Cat-themed listings in her Etsy Store!!!
Cat 20% Off Coupon Code:LSBDCATLOVERS2020Coupon duration: Oct 26 - 31 & expires at midnight pacific & is good for 20% off on all my cat themed listings.
EXTRA EXTRA BONUS: Leigh also has a special 15% off Halloween special going on at her Etsy Store through Oct. 31. Please check out her SALE SECTION for some fab discounts!! (The 20% off coupon will override the cat listings already discounted in the 15% off Halloween sale & apply the higher discount.)
Please take time to visit Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps at these social media spots: Blog, Store, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"

PRIZE: Your Next Stamp is generously providing a $15 Gift Voucher to their online store to one lucky winner!!
Please take time to visit Your Next Stamp at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Cat & Dog stamps!!! Wow....but HURRY, this is only good through Wednesday, Oct. 28!!!
Please take time to visit Crackerbox & Suzy Stamps at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Please take time to visit Ellen Hutson at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
We'll be seeing our dear friend, Fiki, of Bad Kitty's Craft Room throughout the week with her lovely cat projects.
Please take time to visit Fiki at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Please take time to visit Pink & Main at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Very Special Note to all Cat Hoppers:Many of you already know that our dear friend Ike is currently battling cancer and has been undergoing surgery and chemo. More surgery is in the near future and so she might not be able to join with us during this year's Hop. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she fights through this difficult challenge.We love you, Ike, and are praying for healing and strength!! 💗💗💗
PRIZE: Not only is Ike's Art sponsoring our Daily Games, but Ike is also offering an additional grand prize of a $20 Gift Code to her online store!! (WOW!! Some lucky digi lover is going to go crazy with that prize!!!)
Please take time to visit Ike at these social media spots: Blog, Store, and Facebook Group. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Not all of you use digis and have indicated that to me when you SIGNED IN. I hope you will still participate in the Daily Games. You do NOT have to participate in the digi giveaway to answer the Daily Game question that lets us all get to know each other better. If you DO want to be in the digi prize drawing, be sure to link up your name each day that you participate!
REMEMBER.....you must link up your name in the linky tool at the bottom of each post to be in the drawing for the digi prizes.
DAY 1 GAME: Kitty Roll Call and In Memoriam :(
As usual, our Day 1 Game is Kitty Roll Call where we share with each other the names of each of the cats that call your home (or your back porch) their own....even if it is just a home away from home. During Kitty Roll Call, you can tell us a little about your cats and you also may add to the roll call any that you have lost since last Cat Lovers Hop. :( :( :( Some of you might not have any kitties at home anymore, but please tell us about cats you have had in the past.
I will start.......
Here are my kitties:
1. Jetta - Jetta is my most senior cat, age 17. She is black with one adorable white whisker. That whisker has only turned white as she became advanced in age and her black coat became flecked with white. For years, she used to travel the half-mile across coyote-filled pastures to our old house, but finally retired here during the 2017 Cat Hop...much to our relief! Jetta is in remarkably good health for her age. She is mostly deaf and doesn't see as well as she used to, but her daily thyroid meds, vitamins, and joint supplements keep her looking and feeling amazing well for as old as she is. She is a round little muffin of a cat and a real sweetheart.
3. Andromeda - Our sweet little Night Sky Kitten, age 8, with her unimaginably soft, solid black coat. She is outside only, and dearly loves, loves, loves to be petted whenever we step outside. Such a sweet baby who diligently searches for any exposed skin on your neck or arm to lick when being held......infantile nursing instinct even though she is all grown up!! lol...
4. Marshmallow - the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop Badge Kitty!!! A big soft clump of something sweet. This formerly timid, very simple soul with a long coat and magnificent tail has turned into a bully in his advancing age of 14 years. Not taking guff from anyone...anymore!! Ha. For weeks we would hear a scuffle on the porch and look out there....no cats in sight, except for Marshy....looking completely innocent!!! (Sly old fox!! lol.) As inconceivable as it seemed, we finally concluded that Marshmallow might actually be the perpetrator!! Indeed, we eventually "caught him in the act". He and Alexander are still best buddies, though.....eating together, playing together, sparring together, sleeping together.....it is soooooooo cute!!!
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Scamper - 2006 -2020 |
5. Scamper - In Memoriam - With a sad heart, I report that just over 24 hours ago we lost our dear Scamper-Girl, age 14. 💔💔💔 She had been doing very poorly last week and I moved her into a warm box in the bathroom. I soon realized she would not make it through the Hop. :(
6. Ophelia - Our big boy cat with the girl name....long story that I have detailed several times in past Cat Hops. lol.... That whole thing is particularly embarrassing since my hubby is a veterinarian!! Ha. Now age 10, Ophelia is a big lazy neutered male whom we affectionately call "Oaf-elia" or Oaf-Cat. In the winter, he gets fat and becomes our "Loaf-elia" or Loaf-Cat. :)
7. Whiskers - Whisk-Whisk is a clownish Black and White Tuxedo kitty, the sister and littermate of Ophelia...so, also, age 10. She's outside only, but one of our very favorites because of her perky personality. She's a great huntress and often won't leave the chicken house at night when I close the gate because she knows there are furry little 4-footed snacks that emerge in the darkness. She loves her little head rubbed.
8. Mistopheles - Started as a part-time tom, then we caught him and neutered him. Now he is ours. He's long-haired and solid black. He is so sweet and so drooly when you pet him.....ick! :)
9. Othello - Ginormous part-Siamese solid black cat, age 10, that nearly suffocates you when he drapes himself across your neck for a nap. Easily weighs over 20 lbs. He's our Oaf-Fellow!
10. Alexander - Started as a part-time tom but now is neutered and inseparable with his best buddy, Marshmallow. Alexander is still nervous about eyes looking at him, but will come over to me to be petted most anytime I call to him. Loves his tummy rubbed when I find him in a nest on the back porch. He's still too nervous to enjoy being held, but I do it occasionally to try to habituate him.
11. Brian - Beautiful classic brown tabby patterned male, age 6. Littermates with Caspian and Judith....very, very sweet.
12. Caspian - A gentleman kitty with a gentle personality. He is littermates with Brian and Judith.....so, also, age 6. Caspian loves to come in the house but never wants to stay in for long.
13. Judith - Judith, also age 6, is our very, very naughty wanderer. When the weather is decent, she shows up every 3 or 4 weeks (or even months!) for a day or two or three...then she is off again. A storm or cold weather will usually bring her home again...for a time. As I write this the week before the Hop, we have snow and single digit temps in the forecast and she showed up this morning....right on schedule! She's a simple and sweet kitty and it drives me crazy that she won't stay home. I used to think that she might lead a double life, enjoying the benefits of another family in our area that perhaps does not have so many other kitties, but she comes home so very hungry that now I think she is just living out on her own during those times. I miss her and worry about her. We have way too many predators around here for that to be a good lifestyle choice for any kitty. :(
14. Skippyjon - Siamese-X and still a character! Poor Skippy can only be inside with careful supervision, but he is well behaved in my son's room so he often gets to sleep there at night.....which he loves!!
15. Perdita - She is our exotic, lovely Siamese. She has completely established herself as a diva who only wants affection on her terms. She wants a dollop of canned cat food anytime, though....but NOT 9 Lives, ONLY Friskies Poultry Favorites Pate style. I obediently give it to her twice a day, so she won't vomit out of spite! Ha. She is a supremely sensitive creature, but is adapting extremely well to having our daughter and new grandbaby living here. We are amazed.
16. Huckle - (In Memoriam) - So sad that we lost our Huckle several months ago. He started as a part-time tom several years ago who became our Resident Tom, keeping other toms away for the most part. A ginger tabby, he looked an awful lot like Alexander and we strongly suspect they might have been littermates. My son and I were juuuuuuuuuuuust beginning to gain his trust and to be able to touch and pet him (which he LOVED) when he took ill and died. Vet hubby never could get close to him so we don't know what happened. So sad to lose this warrior when we were just getting to enjoy him. :(
This is how to play the Daily Game to be eligible for the prize drawing:NOTE: The Daily Game link ups will be open the entire duration of the Hop, including the extra day for comments. Entries need to be in by 11:55 pm Pacific, Sunday Nov. 1, 2020 to be eligible for the daily prize. So you have more than just today to comment and link up. I realize that not everyone has access to a printer or likes to use digis, so I am still keeping the link up gadget to make sure the digi prizes go to winners who can use them. But I am hoping EVERYONE will participate in answering the questions whether they are putting their name in for the prize or not.
1. Make sure you have SIGNED IN HERE to be eligible for prizes.
2. Leave a comment giving us your Kitty Roll Call and anything you want to tell us about them. I never get tired of reading about everyone's cats!!!
3. After you finish your Kitty Roll Call comment: if you want to be in the drawing for the prize, fill out your (own) name in the link up below. This doesn't have any thumbnails so no photo needed! You don't even need a blog!!! This is for everyone!!!
Okay, now it is your turn!!
REMEMBER: Link your cat-themed projects over on the Main Hop Page. (Please use #2020CatLoversHop on social media!!) This link-up below is just to enter the drawing for the Daily Game after you have commented with your Kitty Roll Call. Thanks!!!
Thank you sooooooooooo much for being a part of the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop. Let the kitty fun BEGIN!!!
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Congratulations to all the family on the birth of Miles!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of your grandchild. I don't currently have any cats, as my mother's health means we often have to be away from home at short notice and arranging feeding/lodging for a cat would be difficult, although a neighbour's cat, Archie, often pops in to the garden for a chat.
ReplyDeleteUntil a few years ago we had two lovely cats, Sammy and Charlie. They were brothers, tabbies from the same litter, but very different. Charlie was huge, sleek and a cat with attitude. He know who he loved and he knew who he hated, and never changed his mind about either. One of my friends was among his loves, and she used to go abroad for half of every year - his welcome to her when she got home each year was quite spectacular! Sammy had a white tip to his tail and a white blaze on his nose and was rounder and fluffier and slightly timid with strangers but very loving with the family.
Charlie used to love "helping" me craft and was seldom to be seen without glitter in his fur!
PS, I do have "grandcats" - one of my daughters has one cat, the other has two, and my Mum has a cat too, so I'm not totally kitty-deprived!
DeleteAhh Congratulations on the birth of Miles. Babies bring so much joy, almost as much as kittys xx WOW First day of my first time playing along and Im overwhelmed by the work you have put into the hop, thank you so much. My Kitty Roll Call consists of Harry the rescue boy who just moved in with us in March. Belle by doggy things shes a kitty too though. Sadly in February I got the call no-one wants to say my beautiful Felix had been taken to a vet as he had been killed in a road traffic accident. I also had Jess till a couple of years back, She was very critical of my crafty stuff and quite often did a little tiddle on cards she didnt like!! Take Care Everyone, Love Hazel xx
ReplyDeleteWelcome to our Hop, Hazel. So glad you are joining us! I hope you enjoy your time here. We all are a bit cat-crazy, so be forewarned!!
DeleteI am so sorry about Felix. That is heartbreaking. We all know that terrible pain of losing a dear pet. Hugs to you.
Thank You xxx Im fitting in great seeing everyones kitties!!!
DeleteCongrats on your NEW ADDITION!!!!! Can't wait to play along... so far I have a few cards in the making!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to your grandson, such a beautiful baby! My previous Cats were all given Chinese names relating to Beans. My neighbour recently is caring for her daughter's Kitty and I would visit her to pet the Cat as the Cat reminds me of my previous Cat with the same color. I no longer have any pets at home.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of your grandson! I have three male cats currently, Goose, Maverick and Iceman. Previously, we had female cats - Tasha and Noelle. Can't wait to enter the hop!
ReplyDeletecongrats on your grandson!
ReplyDeleteIm very happy that Im part of this blog hop!
I love to hop and see all cat projects!
Thank you Janis and tahnks to all sponsors!
Im so sad about Ike.
Love you and Im thinking about you a lot! ❤❤
Love your card with Ikes image!
so adorable!
Im sorry you lost Charlotte, Huckle, and now Scamper.
I have 5 cats currently
Coffee,Speedy ,Squiky,mini and Pixi.
Im sure you all know about Coffee. Thats my little baby.
Speedy is cat that is fast,she loves evryone.
Squiky he is my bigest follower. he follows me all the time and
Mini he is mini version of my Stinky cat..
Pixi is new little Kitty.
Paola found her when some stupid man throw her out his car.
you will be see all my cats later on my blog :)
Such a gorgeous grandson and a big huge congrats! He's totally adorable! I'm definitely sending Ike good vibes and healing wishes. I can't imagine going through what she's going through. Your card using Ike's image is awesome! I love hearing about all your fur babies, and I'm sorry you've lost a few. It sure is hard, as we love them like our children. We have nine felines and all but one are rescues. Poopie is the oldest and the non-rescue, then comes Molly and her two sons Jack and Walter, then Tigger, Milo, Dusty, Mocha Latte, and our youngest rescue (and full of spit and vinegar) Loki. :)
ReplyDeleteOh my Janis!! You have been busy! Oooh a lovely little grandson! Totally LOVE your card and Ikes gorgeous digi (big heart sent for her)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about Scamper and the ones you've lost (truly big hugsxx) its just so heartbreaking. Sending you love.
Yassi, my little tuxie, has turned out to be the best companion I could have ever wished for, especially when it came to this darned Covid lockdown! Who knew when I got her last June after being without a cat for over 12 months (it took me that long to get over Blackie's passing),that Yassi would be instrumental in keeping me company and sane through what has been a trying year and what has transpired with the world. The power of paws!
I also love reading about everyone's kitties!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new grandson - he was born on my birthday :)
ReplyDeleteWow you have a lot of mouths to feed. Although we are catless at the moment, my darling kitty was Pepper, her death was so traumatic that my husband said no more - not that I have given up! Meanwhile I share the pussy love of my daughter in laws cat Winky. You must work so hard giving us this hop to enjoy, so thank you x
Miles is sooo beautiful, Janis! Congrats again to you and your daughter. Another year of pawsome sponsors for the hop!! They are all just amazing & so generous. I can't believe there's only one set I have: Heffy Doodle's. lol
ReplyDeleteWe only ever had one cat while I was growing up, an orange tabby named Henry, who was an outdoor cat (I think because we always had birds). And now, we 'share' our next door neighbor's kitty Anna Banana. She has breakfast with us every morning and sometimes later at night when our parrot is caged, we let her in the house and she loves to explore. She's the purr-fect guest! lol
Thanks for all you do, Janis! I look forward to the hop every year ... but I'm pouting over only 5 entries this year!!! LOL I'll get over it, I guess. hehe
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson, Janis - he looks so adorable! I sure hope he grows up to like kitties :) Sorry you have lost some of your feline friends this year - it is so heart-breaking. I'm also shocked to hear about Ike and I'm sending her love and healing thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI love hearing about everyone's kitties.
My kitty, Casey, is hanging on here - he has turned 16 now and last year started thyroid medication. He generally is good about taking it, but sometimes has a spate of spitting it out in places where he thinks we'll not notice! He spends a lot of time asleep - his favourite places are on our bed, on the conservatory sofa or in his kennel by the back door. He was a stray that we adopted and still has a love for being outdoors and in the fresh air. Sadly, he is deaf now and is easily startled ... he doesn't wander far from home and has responded well to coming home when we shine a torch. He loves to be touching us when he goes to sleep and very often likes to have his head in our palm which limits what tasks we can do. He is so worth it though; kind and loving and a fabulous little companion! I hope we continue to have him for long time ahead. He has a message for you on my blog along with my first project post. xx
First of all, big Congrats on your new grandson! He's so cute! I have 3 family members with that same birthday! You have definitely been busy! I don't know how you do it all!
ReplyDeleteAs for the game, I'm just playing for fun as I already have Ike's adorable digitals. I have 3 cats (Honeydew, Kiwi, and Snowie) and they are all housecats and do not go outside. I also had one kitty who is gone but will remain forever in my heart (Muffin) - I enjoyed him for 18 years.
All 3 of our cats are getting older (16, 16, and 15) and all 3 have thyroid disease. Sadly Kiwi now has advanced kidney disease and he probably doesn't have that much longer with us. He just got diagnosed about 3 weeks ago. We're giving him vet-prescribed meds and supplements and we take him weekly for sub-q fluids. The sad day is coming and we are dreading it.
Now I'm heading off to thank each of the sponsors, probably on their blogs. Thanks for all the links! And thank you for the hop!
I was just reading about your kitties, Janis, and I want to say how sorry I am that you have lost 3 this year, and very sad to read that Scamper-Girl passed so recently. Sending heartfelt hugs, very sad for you.
DeleteOh, Kitty....I had been wondering how your kitties were doing. So sorry to hear that Kiwi is not doing well. I sure am familiar with the meds and fluids routine! Your vet might consent to sending home the supplies so you can administer the fluids yourself instead of a weekly trip to the vet. It's not difficult to do. That would not replace regular exams to assess condition, but it might be something to inquire about. Hugs to you as you care for your beloved Kiwi.
DeleteHow are your others doing with their thyroid meds? My Jetta has responded beautifully to hers....better than some of my others in the past.
Thank you for your condolences, esp for my sweet Scamper-Girl. That has been a sad thing to deal with while getting ready for our Hop. She will always be in my heart.
Oh Kitty, I'm so sorry for Kiwi!!! :(((
DeleteSending big hugs!!!!
I am so sad to read about Kiwi's health! Much love to you! I know how hard it is!
DeleteCongrats on your new grandson. Your card is wonderful. Sorry that you lost some cats this past year. That's always so difficult.
ReplyDeleteI have two wonderful cats, Domino and Harley Quinn. They are 2 1/2 year old siblings and have been helping to keep me sane. They're both seriously photogenic and allow me to photograph them.
Consoling hugs for the loss of Scamper, Janis, and to all others who have lost fur babies this past year. But huge congrats on the new grandbaby! How wonderful. :-D
ReplyDeleteI have been very blessed and have not lost any kitties this year so I still have the same 3 I had last year. Well, I should say they have me. The truth is they allow me to live in THEIR home as long as I keep the litter box clean and the food dish full.
These are the indoor cats who never venture outside:
HONEY (who became Honeybear for some reason none of us can decipher), age 9, is a magnificent neutered male, long white hair with honey-colored face, paws, and tail. We suspect he had a Flame Point Siamese father. He came from a feral mom who is a ginger tabby. My grandkids found the litter of 4 hidden in shrubbery in their yard when they were about 3 weeks old and had been abandoned by the mother. Knowing that their Nana was a sucker for kittens (or cats of most any age), they brought 3 of the 4 kittens to my home and Honey stayed. He's such a sissy - afraid of anyone who comes to visit, he runs and hides under the bed until the visitors are gone. Once he assures himself that things have returned to normal, he climbs into my lap, purring loudly and claims my attention for at least 15 minutes, longer if at all possible. He's my consistent cuddle buddy, loving to be held and stroked.
MOLLY (age 8) is a sweet, gentle girl who came to me when she needed to be re-homed. She a gray tortoise-shell with tabby stripes on her tummy, and has always been on the thin side regardless of how much she eats. Another cuddle cat, she follows me from room to room as I move around the house. If I'm crafting, she's on the desk beside whatever I'm doing. She's the first one to jump up on the bed when night falls and insists on sleeping on top of me, or beside me, and when the weather turns cold, she crawls under the covers to soak up the body heat. She's the 'talker' and has a special meow reserved just for humans. She can carry on an entire conversation if you just respond to her with any verbal comment but she does insist on having the last word so if you keep talking, she'll keep answering!
Finally, there's QUEENIE (a year and a half), a lovely calico with white underside and legs. She has beautiful orange, black, and gray patches blending together on her head, neck, and back. She's very loving but only on her terms. She does NOT want to be picked up or carried around but she is always nearby regardless of what room I'm in. She sleeps on the bed at night, usually right next to my pillow and often falling into old kitten behavior of nursing on my hand or arm. She doesn't mind being petted, in fact seems to crave it, but don't try to pick her up for a cuddle. She'll have none of that!
THE VISITOR is an orange tabby who lives outside, loving the back porch beside the sliding glass door where he can peer in at the indoor cats. They peer right back with great curiosity and interest as long as he stays on his side of the glass. I call him "Tabby" since I don't know his name. I suspect he had/has a home very nearby but also wonder if he wasn't just left behind when his family moved away. When he first started hanging out on the porch early in the summer, he looked healthy, even a bit on the heavy side. But over 2 or 3 weeks, he was clearly losing weight and I began feeding him. He was very grateful for both food and water, coming to me to be stroked and petted but not at all interested in coming inside. I would guess he's always been an outdoor cat since he never tries to get through the door when I go out to feed him. He's been 'visiting' since late May but now is on the porch throughout most of the daylight hours and maybe all night, too, but I rarely look for him after dark. I think he thinks this is now home.
Big congrats for your new grandson, Janis!!! He is adorable!! :)
ReplyDeleteSorry for Ike's health and for your kitties loss. It's always very very sad when a furbaby passes away.
I have six cats, three male and three female. But I have had a very very long list of cats in my life, plus the poor street cats that I feed.
Thanks so much for this annual Hop!!!
Just the crazy Puddi who adopted us a couple of years ago after the death of our 19+years Nussi, still missed. Puddi likes to risk her lives and has the most amazing range of meows I have ever heard. Congrats on your new grandson Janis and thanks for your lovely words. Hugz
ReplyDeleteWe have 2 kitties right now. Oreo and Hercules. Oreo is about 8 years old, black and white tuxedo and is a very regal boy. Hercules is at least part Maine Coon so he's pretty huge but sounds and still looks in the face like a baby even though he's over 2 now. We have a pup and both of the kitties LOVE him! They all play together and sleep together. It's pretty great.
ReplyDeleteThis has been the summer of kittens at my house. We found a Siamese kitten in the yard in June (in pretty bad shape...we think it fell off of a car). But it is doing great now and we are all in love with it....it is in the house. Then we had a cat get in our garage and have five kittens in July. We found good indoor homes for two of them when it was time...but the other three have found their way inside our house too! So our house is really jumping these days....lots of love and fun though. :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of your grandson. I'm sure you must all be so excited. So sorry to hear about Ike. But one should never give up hope. My father-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer and was only given 3 months to live. That was almost 10 years ago now and he is still living his life to the fullest. We call him the miracle man! Even his doctors can't believe it and he hasn't had any chemo for the last 9.5 years. He just takes medication. He has lived to see his children and grandchild married. And soon, he will see his great grandchild being born. My prayers go out to Ike and her family.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the loss of your fur baby. I know how hard it can be. We lost our last fur baby 2.5 years ago on my birthday. Her name was Boo. Our 2 little boy we lost with 5 years apart of each other. They were both brothers and we received them when they were only 3 weeks only. We didn't even know what to feed them, they were so tiny. Their names were Perky and Patience. I have their pictures up on the wall in my craft room and their 3 little urns. I still say good night and good morning to them every day. Even though it's been a while since they have all passed away now, to me it still feels like yesterday. I still miss them all terribly and haven't been able to build up the courage to get another one, because losing them is just too hard.
Oh, I'm so sad to hear about Scamper. Of course I knew about Huckle, and we never get used to losing our sweet kitties do we? Little Miles is just adorable, and I know he will be a blessing to your family. He's lucky to have so many people who love him.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update on Ike, as we all send healing thoughts her way. Going through surgery and chemo during this COVID time must be even more stressful than usual. I always love her beautiful digital designs.
My kitty roll call are all for past cats, as we are currently cat-less. Our first cat was Tina, who we adopted from the shelter. Next came Bubby, rescued while on vacation at a hotel. Zoe was tossed out of a moving car, along with litter mates that didn't make it (how can anyone do such a thing), Bailey was a feral kitten that lived under our garden shed before we trapped him. Our last cat was Teddy, who was rescued from traffic by my daughter when she was at a concert. All were special, and all were loved.
Congratlations to all on the birth of your grandson. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of that gorgeous grandson! My kitty roll call is just Custard these days. He's a 17 year old grump-fest of a tux who demands that you fuss him while he eats. He decided that 5.30am was breakfast time this morning. Before Custard I had two sister cats called Cleo and Daisy - grey and white and completely crazy. They were born in the cupboard under my stairs at my old house. My hubby had a sweet old tux called Tom when we first got together - he was a total darling and loved having a girly around the place again and followed me everywhere.
ReplyDeleteHappy to be joining in! Congrats on your adorable grandson, and also my condolences on your loss of Scamper.
ReplyDeleteI have Coco, who rules the roost here! She is a beautiful sealpoint Siamese kitty, adopted from a local shelter. Since she hates cats, she is an only child!
Janis.... didn't mean to put my name in twice (#18 & 19)! I didn't think it worked, so tried it a second time. Feel free to delete one!
DeleteCongratulations on the birth of your grandson. Last year we lost our first and beloved Kopik. The house has become empty and the other two cats live separately now. Faksik, a middle-cat, my cuddly toy sleeps with me under the covers. Saszka - kitty, we teach her love.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your new grandsons he's so adorable and I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your life I know from experience how hard this can be because I have loss a couple myself their names were Brownie and Zorro and it's really hard but I hope one day it will get better for you I wish you all the best and thanks for sharing all of this
ReplyDeleteTo begin, hooray for precious little Miles!!! Congratulations to your family!!!
ReplyDeleteNext, please pass along my well wishes and prayers to Ike. Every cancer is different, and each time going through it is different, but I hope for her peace, comfort, and healing.
My condolences to everyone who has had a beloved fur baby pass away. They most certainly hold special places in both our families and our hearts.
My household currently is under the rule of a precocious feline monarch by the name of Moon Pie. ;) He definitely is lord of the manor! He expects attention on his terms. And of course we abide by this! Ha! As a rescue cat, there is nothing that he is denied. He spent several years at the rescue center because of a terminal illness. We were happy to adopt him into our family, since I know first hand what it is like having that diagnosis. We constantly remark how thrilled we are that he has been with us for 4 years, exceeding everyone's expectations. He is best friends with our rescue Lab, Palmer. They are so funny to watch together, but Moon Pie certainly lets Palmer know that who is the boss. :)
From the time that I was in the early years of grade school, I have rarely been without a cat, or several, in my home and heart.
Thank you for putting together another wonderful blog hop! I don't know if I will be able to get a project made or visit many blogs, but I enjoy reading the posts and comments.
So sad you've lost Scamper. She looks so like my girl cat Cleo and sounds like she had a similar disposition too. Hugs, Jo x
ReplyDeleteHello! Congratulations on Miles! So sweet!
ReplyDeleteMy heart is always with anyone who loses a fur baby. They are so much a part of our hearts.
My daughter and I were just saying that we don't FEEL like we have a house full until we have to tell people about all our pets! LOL! We have FOUR kitties currently. Over my 25 year marriage, we have had 8. Our first kitty, Misty, was our first "baby" and then she became my son's bff when he was born. Currently we have all girls: Sushi, Sassy, Sophie and Sunny. (Sunny was a rescue 2 lb kitten off the side of the road on an interstate onramp!
This is such a fun way to participate in a blog hop!
I am so sorry to read about the loss of your Scamper (such a beautiful girl) and your other two kitties! Much love to you! My heart goes out to all of you that have lost furbabies! I know from experience how hard it is, so I have so much sympathy for you! We lost our Smokey this past year, and it broke our hearts. He was so special! But I am grateful that we had him as long as we did!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your new grandbaby! It is so exciting when there is a new baby in the family! They bring so much joy!
We have our four furbabies. We have Ralphie, our Red Tabby, and he is our little rascal. He's the one who likes to get into mischief, but he constantly makes us laugh, and we adore him.
We have P.J., he is our oldest, and he is such a sweetie. He is a beautiful Black kitty with little frosty hairs, and he is like me; he hates to be cold.
We have Miley, our little Tortishell. She is my Baby Girl. We stick together, as it's just us two that are girls! She hates to be cold too, and loves to curl up on me and sleep.
We have Leo. He is a Swirly Tabby. He likes to curl up next to me and get just as close as he can to sleep.
My cats are called Polaris, he is black and white tuxedo cat.This was his name when we adopted him from an animal shelter. I joking call he Mr.P because he loves my husband and tolerates me, so he won't let me use his first name. My other cat is Zoe, she is mostly white with orange patches. She has the softest fur, of any cat that has made it home with us.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new grandchild! Such a cutie.
ReplyDeleteWe have three cats. Elvis is the eldest at 15, but also the one we've had the least time - about 8 years now. He came with his name, and we call him "Leli" more often than Elvis. He is a mixture of grey tabby and white, with his underside being completely white. He loves tummy rubs.
Next oldest is Sampson who is 11. I got Sampson as a teeny tiny kitten when I was still living with my family in the UK, and he's now a chunky boy. He moved over to Finland to live with us about 6 years ago when my mum was no longer able to keep him. He is a tuxedo cat, almost entirely black aside from a white patch on his chest. He is very food-oriented, and has a very expressive tail.
And last but not least is Lola, who is 10. We got her as a kitten alongside her sister (who passed when they were just 3 years old.) She is mostly white with a black tail and a black patch on her side. She's on the small side. She is the cutest little thing but has a very loud yell when she wants to make herself heard! She's a bit of a princess and sometimes requires companionship whilst eating. She also likes to get into all the places she shouldn't because they are the best sleeping spots. (Like the drawer in my craft area where I keep my adhesive!)
I LOVE reading about everyone's furbabies!! And HUGE congrats on Miles - what a cutie! I am blessed to say all of my kitties are doing so well, considering they now share a home with 2 dogs and there hasn't been any bloodshed!! Sylvester is over 20 pounds and is very vocal - when we first moved here he voiced his displeasure by hissing as the walls, the rug and everything else - it was really funny to see him, obviously not happy, but seeing nothing there, as he walked down the hall just hissing away! Junior & Bud were adopted together from the Dumb Friends League; Bud is my stoner cat, very mellow and easy going, while Junior is the smallest cat I have but has NO fear at all - he also has had all his teeth removed a few years back. As far as Junior is concerned everything, including the dogs, are here for him to rub up against as he wishes. Mew, my fat black cat, is my baby. She loves me so much and cuddles with me every night. Max is a creamsicle orange tabby who loves attention but gets over stimulated easily - he will grab your hand and pull it back if he feels he hasn't gotten enough attention. Lily is really my roommates cat and has finally, after a little over 2 years, begun to seek me out if shes feeling in need of some pets. All of my cats are fixed and are indoor only (tho Lily thinks she wants to go out).
ReplyDeleteWe currently have 3 kitties. This past March, we had to have our then-oldest, Pepper, put down. She had an inoperable malignant tumor on her hip. Technically, it was not totally inoperable. But the "treatment" would have been to amputate the leg, which we weren't about to put her through, since she was 16 when the vet diagnosed it. :( It was so hard to let her go, though! She had started struggling to hop in and out of the litter box, though, so we knew it was time. Her ashes are now in a pretty wooden box on our mantle. Our now-oldest, Zipper, came to us when he was 5, after his (human) mom passed away. I am friends with her daughter-in-law, so that's how we met him. My friend's daughter had taken him in, but he couldn't get along with her other cats (or vice versa), so we offered to give him a home. Our middle cat, Barney, is my bestest friend! We had not planned to adopt when I saw him in Petsmart. (He was part of a litter of kittens from a rescue group.) But when I saw him, I just knew he had to come home with us! He's been having health problems lately, starting with being diagnosed with kidney failure about a month ago. But he's been fighting through, and we think he's finally improving. He's only 8, so we are nowhere near ready to give up on him! Our youngest, Ginger, was a foundling. We were at a nearby arboretum 2 years ago this past July, when she came up to visit my mom. She was a fairly young kitten--maybe 3 months old or so--and no one on the arboretum staff knew where she came from. We figured she was probably dropped, as that apparently happens frequently there. After unsuccessfully trying to find somewhere for her to go (i.e. a rescue group), we finally decided to take her in ourselves. She is an orange & white tabby, and I named her after Ginger in "Gilligan's Island" (though mostly for her coloring). (Had she been a boy, I would have named her Gilligan!) She is definitely our Wild Child, but that doesn't matter--we love her! LOL All of our cats are neutered/spayed, and indoor-only, as they have been for many years now. :) ~ Andrea
ReplyDeleteHappy to be joining in for the first time... so firstly a big congrats on the arrival of Miles... cats step aside.
ReplyDeleteIn our house we have four cats... our son house sat for us some years back and started this off... Arya is Burmese got her as a kitten, within a short time a stray - gorgeous looking kitten with big eyes landed on his doorstep and yes he adopted him... we visited said 'get them de-sexed' too late mum has three kittens - one like herself got a new home, two boys, one ginger and one grey... so silly us ended up adopting the two - sucked us right in they were so cute.. Henry and Arthur... and then 18 months later we moved back home - so four cats now and our son stayed on too.
Aww - congrats on the birth of Miles :-)
ReplyDeleteI have far too many cats LoL
Got 2 more rescue kittens found abandoned at a boarded up house up in the mountains last year - Squealie and Meuwlie, and 2 kittens that arrived at the house this year - one I cannot touch but the other is getting very friendly. They are black + white Tuxedos and the friend one I call " Stachy " because she has half a moustache :-D
The there's all the usual suspects - Ghandi, Cheezy Puff, Kolin, Louis, Glammy, Aris (actually my Greek neighbour's cat but he seems a pretty permanent fixture !! ), Snufflee, Fluffyette, BB, then there's a bunch of 5 Tuxedos and 4 Calico ladies that turn up at Tea Time :-D There are a few hanger's on and at Tea Time I feed around 24 cats. :-D
Congrats on your new grandson and for the update on your cats. We still have our one cat Sabre who is getting on in years. I suspect she is losing some sight and hearing. Every so often we have a visitor that we call Jack. We feed him when he comes.
ReplyDeleteSo delighted to be sponsoring your hop again this year! Congrats on the birth of Miles!
ReplyDeleteKitty Hugs!
Wow a new grandson! How exciting! Congratulations!! The 2020 Cat Lovers Hop has been a blast! I love all the wonderful creations and you have some amazing prizes! Thank you so much for running this hop for 6 years! You are awesome Janis!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of that super cute grandson!
ReplyDeletewe don't have our own cat but our grandma has one or even more cats. she adopts every cat which comes around, she is very friendly. she lives alone and likes cats and dogs. she talk to them and spoils them very much.
Janis, I accidentally linked my projects above... I linked them in the right place but my name is listed above 5x... and I can't delete .... can you? Sorry! I got confused!