The 2021 Cat Lovers Hop starts TODAY......
And you don't want to miss a thing!!!
If you have a project to linkup, please SIGN IN HERE (required to be eligible for prizes) and then go to the Main Hop Page
(Please use #2021CatLoversHop on social media!!)
Also, please check out my
2021 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs
Hi, Friends.....
Welcome, Everyone!!! I am so glad you are here to join in the DAY 1 festivities of the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop!! Each day I will be posting fun things to see and do and win!
So how are you all doing? I don't know about you, but I am just glad to be able to hostess our Cat Lovers Hop again this year. As you might have seen on my blog already, I got hit with Covid during September and lost pretty much the entire month!!! Ugh. I am fine and thankfully none of our family had to go to the hospital. But it sure did impact my Cat Hop preparations!
Since then I have been running around like a head with its chicken cut off trying to get everything done and arranged.....taking care of sponsor questions and attending to multitudes of details about this and that. This cartoon sums it up:
Fortunately, I have received several offers of help that I gladly accepted. The following Helpful Hoppers truly have saved this year's Hop and I am so grateful for their support and encouragement: Karen Ladd, Christi Conley, Alex Trofimov, and NanaConnie, along with several others who expressed concern and sent well wishes while I was sick. THANK YOU, my dear Hop Family, for coming through for us all. ❤❤❤
If you are new to our Hops, you might wonder what these Daily Posts are all about.
Here's what to expect on these Daily Cat Hop Posts:
1. Brief introduction to call attention to any important items that Hoppers should know about. So be sure to check each day's post!
2. Featured Sponsors for that day with the awesome prizes they are offering. My thanks to all these fabulous companies and individuals who provide photos and well as very generous prizes!
You also will find Bonus Links to special Cat Hop blog events, sales, challenges, etc the sponsors are hosting during the week. Sometimes I will feature a special Guest Designer from sponsor Design Teams or my Helpful Hoppers to showcase sponsor products.
3. Daily Games: I encourage ALL Hoppers to join in these special games by answering each day's icebreaker question or activity. There are prizes sponsored by Ike's Art and guest designers from my Helpful Hoppers. There is a link-up for those who want to in the drawing for one of the prizes, but you don't have to link up to join in the fun games. PLEASE participate even if you don't use digital images. This is one of the ways we get to know each other!!!
Just a reminder.....You must SIGN IN HERE to be eligible for prizes. Also, LINK UP ALL PROJECTS ON THE MAIN HOP PAGE by 11:55 pm Pacific, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021. I have my 2021 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs in a handy tab just under my header at the top of each page.
Okay on to the Day 1 festivities........
My featured sponsors today are:
Lost Coast Designs, Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps, Crackerbox & Suzy Stamps, Your Next Stamp, Rubber Dance Art Stamps, Brutus Monroe, Picket Fence Studios, Ink Blot Shop, and Ike's Art (kindly sponsoring our Daily Games each day).
Let's get started with the introductions.....

I am delighted to start today's lineup with returning sponsor Lost Coast Designs and sister company Carmen's Veranda. They feature a wonderful and eclectic assortment of rubber stamps that are so much fun.
Our friend, Gail, Ionabunny......(who is absolutely here, there, and everywhere in blogland. How does she have enough energy to do that??!!) the DT leader at Lost Coast Designs and arranged for them to sponsor. (THANKS, Gail!!)
PRIZE: Lost Coast Designs is offering $10 worth of stamps from their online store to one lucky winner!!
BONUS: Right now there is a 31 Days of Halloween Challenge going on at their shared challenge blog. If you make aHalloween Cat Lovers Hop project, you can enter it over there, too! Your entry must have actual real stamping as the focal point. Rules and Details for their challenges are HERE.
Gail has a special Cat Lovers Hop Blog Post today on the Lost Coast Designs challenge site. Be sure to check it out!!
Please take time to visit Lost Coast Designs at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Carmen's Veranda Facebook. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Please say a welcoming Meow to returning sponsor Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps. Leigh designs absolutely wonderful whimsical and quirky digital images.....and is launching new Monthly Hops and Challenges over at her blog!
PRIZE: Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps is offering 4 prizes!! Three lucky winners will receive a $3.50 Gift Certificate for her online store, and an additional Hopper will win her wonderful digital Cats Galore Collage and Senti Set. Super-fun!!!
NOTE: The year Leigh has launched her line of SVG Cutz for electronic cutting machines this year. She would love to know how many of you currently own electronic die-cutting machines. I edited my Sign-In Post to include that question. If you didn't see it or forgot to answer it, please leave a "reply" to your original comment with a yes or no on that. THANKS!!
There are a ton of exciting things going on over at the LeighSBDesigns blog. Check these out:
BONUS: Leigh and Val will feature special Cat Lovers Hop Blog Posts all week so be sure to check them out HERE!
challenge and prizes for her hoppers linking up Halloween projects and for those who just want to hop around and comment! Details are HERE. If you make a Halloween project for our Cat Lovers Hop, be sure to enter in her fab challenge, also!!
EXTRA EXTRA BONUS: Leigh also has a Halloween special going on at her Etsy Store through Oct. 31.
Please take time to visit Leigh SB Designs Art Stamps at these social media spots: Blog, Store, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Please take time to visit Crackerbox & Suzy Stamps at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"

PRIZE: Your Next Stamp is generously providing a $15 Gift Voucher to their online store to one lucky winner!!
Please take time to visit Your Next Stamp at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Next we have another returning sponsor, Rubber Dance Art Stamps. It's been a joy for our American Hoppers to get to know this wonderful homebased family-owned company that many of our Euro Hoppers are already familiar with. If you don't yet know about Rubber Dance Art must check out their terrific products!!
PRIZE: Here's the fabulous prize that Rubber Dance has for us. How cool is this artsy Curious Cat stamp??!!
(This awesome stamp is the one I chose to be the prize for the lucky winner who displayed our Cat Hop Badge before the Hop started.)
BONUS: Rubber Dance has a special Cat Hop Post to share with us over at their blog. Check it out HERE!
Please take time to visit Rubber Dance at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, and Instagram. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
PRIZE: Picket Fence Studios is generously providing a surprise bundle of Cat Stamps from their online store to one lucky winner!!
Please help me welcome back to our Cat Lovers Hop a returning sponsor, Ink Blot Shop. You will find unique products in her inventory that are just what you were looking for!
PRIZE: The Ink Blot Shop is generously providing a 15% Discount Coupon Code for ALL HOPPERS!!
The code CATLOVE21 entered during checkout at will give a 15% discount on products purchased through November 2, 2021 at 11:59pm Eastern.
Please take time to visit Ink Blot Shop at these social media spots: Blog, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
PRIZE: Ike's Art not only is sponsoring our Daily Games by offering 6 of her wonderful Cat digital images, but Ike is also offering an additional prize of the entire Kitten Kristmas set to a lucky winner!!
BONUS: Ike has a special Cat Lovers Hop post on her Show Us Your Pussies - Cats Only Challenge blog today.
Please take time to visit Ike at these social media spots: Blog, Store (Note: Currently Ike's store is in transition and she is transferring images to the blog I linked for her "store". Email her if you see an image you wish to purchase.) Facebook Group. Don't forget to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment with a big "THANK YOU for sponsoring the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop at Her Peaceful Garden!"
Not all of you use digis and have indicated that to me when you SIGNED IN. I hope you will still participate in the Daily Games. You do NOT have to participate in the digi giveaway to answer the Daily Game question that lets us all get to know each other better. If you DO want to be in the digi prize drawing, be sure to link up your name each day that you participate! MUST LINK UP your name in the linky tool at the bottom of each post to be in the drawing for the digi prizes.
DAY 1 GAME: Kitty Roll Call and In Memoriam :(
As usual, our Day 1 Game is Kitty Roll Call where we share with each other the names of each of the cats that call your home (or your back porch) their own....even if it is just a home away from home. During Kitty Roll Call, you can tell us a little about your cats and you also may add to the roll call any that you have lost since last Cat Lovers Hop. :( :( :( Some of you might not have any kitties at home anymore, but please tell us about cats you have had in the past.
I will start.......
Here are my kitties:
1. Jetta - Jetta is my most senior cat, age 18. She is black with one adorable white whisker. That whisker has only turned white as she became advanced in age and her black coat became flecked with white. For years, she used to travel the half-mile across coyote-filled pastures to our old house, but finally retired here during the 2017 Cat Hop...much to our relief! Jetta is in remarkably good health for her age. She is mostly deaf and doesn't see as well as she used to, but her daily thyroid meds, vitamins, and joint supplements keep her looking and feeling amazing well for as old as she is. She is a round little muffin of a cat and is most definitely Queen of the Roost inside the house!
3. Marshmallow - Since losing his sister, Scamper -the Queen of the Back Porch, last year, Marshy is the new King of Beasts out there. Quite a lofty title for this big soft clump of something sweet. This formerly timid, very simple soul with a long coat and magnificent tail has turned into a bully in his advancing age of 15 years. Not taking guff from anyone...anymore!! Ha. Marshy has had some interesting disputes with our new resident tom, Oreo...more about him later! But they seem to have come to some understanding and Marshmallow is the Reigning Monarch.....with his best buddy, Alexander, as his Court Jester. They are still so adorable together!!
5. Whiskers - Whisk-Whisk is a clownish Black and White Tuxedo kitty, the sister and littermate of, also, age 11. Since we sadly lost our Perdita this year, we only had 2 or sometimes 3 kitties in the few that it seemed like no kitties at all!! So I started letting Whiskers in the house this fall.....SHE LOVES THAT!!! She had been one to sneak in occasionally, anyway, so I knew she would be interested. She's opinionated and perky and loves to snuggle on the bed at night. She's indoor-outdoor so she still keeps her mad skillz as a great huntress sharp when she is not in the house. She has a secret way of gaining entrance into the chicken yard (even when it is closed up at night) that none of us can figure out....and, fortunately, that the coons have not discovered yet! I imagine the mice that are active in the chicken house after dark are rejoicing that she is usually sleeping on my bed at night!!
7. Othello - Ginormous part-Siamese solid black cat, age 11, that nearly suffocates you when he drapes himself across your neck for a nap. Easily weighs over 20 lbs. He's our Oaf-Fellow! He's the new Guardian of the Baby since we lost our poor Perdita.
8. Alexander - Started as a part-time tom but now is neutered and inseparable with his best buddy, Marshmallow. Alexander is still a little nervous about eyes looking at him, but will come over to me to be petted most anytime I call to him. Loves his tummy rubbed when I find him in a nest on the back porch. He's still a little too nervous to enjoy being held, but I can pick him up a lot more than I could even a year ago.
9. Brian - Beautiful classic brown tabby patterned male, age 7. Littermates with Caspian and Judith....very, very sweet.
10. Caspian - A gentleman kitty with a gentle personality. He is littermates with Brian and, also, age 7. Caspian loves to come in the house but never wants to stay in for long.
11. Judith - Judith, also age 7, is our very, very naughty wanderer. When the weather is decent, she shows up every 3 or 4 weeks (or even months!) for a day or two or three...then she is off again. A storm or cold weather will usually bring her home again...for a time. This summer she seemed to come home more often than she has in the past, so I am hopeful that this wandering will gradually occur less and less often. We have several new neighbors who are doing construction in our neighborhood so I am hoping that gives us even more of a buffer zone against predators. But there are still way too many coyotes around here for adventuring to be a good lifestyle choice for a kitty. :(
12. Skippyjon - Age 5. Siamese-X and still a character! Poor Skippy can only be inside with careful supervision, but he is well behaved in my son's room so he often gets to sleep there at night.....which he loves!!
13. Perdita - (In Memoriam) We lost our dear Perdita in June this year. She was our son's exotic, lovely Siamese. My son saw an ad in the paper advertising a Free Siamese. They had obtained her from someone else and the details of her past were very sketchy. She had a lot of digestive problems and we think they probably got rid of her because of her vomiting. With special dietary supplements and feeding her brand of cat food to her on demand (which was often!) she improved somewhat under my vet hubby's care, but she never really was well. When my grandson was born last October, Perdita assumed the role of Guardian of The Baby. She diligently watched over him from the top of the couch or some other safe but nearby place. When he whimpered, she was visibly upset. She passed on the Guardian role to Othello shortly before she died and he has now grudgingly taken up post near the baby .....only swatting (without claws) when Miles pulls his tail or grabs his ears. We miss beautiful Perdita who graced our home for 4 years. We are honored and privileged to have given her a loving, understanding home for her last difficult years. RIP Sweet "Girl Cat". 💔
This is how to play the Daily Game to be eligible for the prize drawing:NOTE: The Daily Game link ups will be open the entire duration of the Hop, including the extra days for comments. Entries need to be in by 11:59 pm Pacific, Wednesday Nov. 3, 2021 to be eligible for the daily prize. So you have more than just today to comment and link up. I realize that not everyone has access to a printer or likes to use digis, so I am still keeping the link up gadget to make sure the digi prizes go to winners who can use them. But I am hoping EVERYONE will participate in answering the questions whether they are putting their name in for the prize or not.
1. Make sure you have SIGNED IN HERE to be eligible for prizes.
2. Leave a comment giving us your Kitty Roll Call and anything you want to tell us about them. I never get tired of reading about everyone's cats!!!
3. After you finish your Kitty Roll Call comment: if you want to be in the drawing for the prize, fill out your (own) name in the link up below. This doesn't have any thumbnails so no photo needed! You don't even need a blog!!! This is for everyone!!!
Okay, now it is your turn!!
REMEMBER: Link your cat-themed projects over on the Main Hop Page. (Please use #2021CatLoversHop on social media!!) This link-up below is just to enter the drawing for the Daily Game after you have commented with your Kitty Roll Call. Thanks!!!
Thank you sooooooooooo much for being a part of the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop. Let the kitty fun BEGIN!!!
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What a fabulous group of sponsors!
ReplyDeleteMy Black Cat "Pepsi" would hiss and get between my husband (boyfriend at time) and myself on the couch....she was protecting me, not that she needed too, been married 24 years now. RIP my little protector.
ReplyDeletePAW-some event Janis. I so look forward to this every year. Thank you for having me as a Sponsor again xoxo
ReplyDeleteFantastic card you made with Kitty LUV :-D
IKE xoxo
My Challenge Blog
My Shop
My Blog
FB Fan Page
Cat Lovers Challenge Blog
I lost a few of my kitties this Spring when someone put poison down, but here is the list - with only i new addition this year. I think I've just about 'fixed' every female in the area :-D JEEP is my latest - called that because his mother got into my Jeep through a slit in the soft roof and hid him in there. He's about 6 months old now and another Tuxedo :-D
ReplyDeleteGinger + whites: Kolin and Louis
Tuxedos: Jeep, Snuflee + 3 "hangers on" who come for Tea Time :-D
B+W fluffy: Messi
Torties: 2 "hangers on : I don't actually name all the strays that come or lurk in my garden.
Calicoes: Squealie and Meuwlie - sisters I found dumped in a box on the street 2/3 years ago.
Tabby: BeeBee, Schrodinger (fluffy tabby)
Musn't forget my neighbour;s cat - tabby and white fluffy called Aris.
Unfortunately my grey boy Ghandi passed this year - he was 14 and I lost 6 other babies in the poisoning incident.
I'm so sorry to hear that about your kitties!! What a terrible tragedy!
DeleteWe lost our Goose last Christmas. His kidneys just gave out on him. I've lost other cats in the past but he was something special. We still have Maverick and Iceman. Who are sleeping in my bed as I write this. :)
ReplyDeleteKopik - he left us two years ago, he was the first cat, the most wonderful and the wisest. There is not a day that we do not remember.
ReplyDeleteFaksik, a medium cat, my cuddly toy sleeps with me under the covers. Unfortunately, he only walks freely at night, because Saszka does not accept him.
Saszka - a kitten. A lot has changed since the last jump, she is calmer, we taught her to love. Only Faksik annoys her when she walks. We still have to close them at night to make Faksik feel free.
I have had kitties my entire life, and feel so blessed to have them in my life! Right now, we have three wonderful kitties. Max is the oldest. He is curious, athletic, loves to play catch and fetch, and loves cat fishing poles more than anything in the world! Then there's Omar. He's round and black and soooo chill, unless it's lunch time! He loves to snuggle on your lap and he always joins me when I'm working, sprawling out across my desk. My baby is Fuzzy, who we usually call Fuzz or Fuzzle. A tiny tuxedo, he is so affectionate and playful. he loves to sit and look out the patio window all day, and at night he'll sleep on my head like a hat! We are so lucky to have all three!
ReplyDeleteWe adopted our cats Thomas and Fussy in Fall of 2010 from two different shelters. They were both around 6 or 7 weeks old. Thomas, the orange tabby, came first, he is our bossy kitty who likes to wake us up at any hour of the night. At about 11 month old he had an accident and had to have part of his tail amputated but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
ReplyDeleteAbout 3 weeks after adopting Thomas we brought Fussy home from a different shelter. Fussy is a bit of a feral cat. She is very scared of strangers and it took her quite some time to get comfortable around us and we'd only see her when it was time to eat. Now she loves to hang out with us and cuddle, but when we have visitors she will hide.
As a child, we had an orange tabby named Henry who was an outdoor only kitty. Sadly, when we moved, he was nowhere to be found so I don't know what became of him. After that, we always had parakeets! lol But when hubby & I moved to this house over 3 years ago, a black & gold kitty kept hanging around and I thought she was lost and I would feed her every day. Come to find out, she belonged to our next door neighbor (with the wrong address on her collar) and is an outdoor cat who roams the neighborhood. Her name is Anna Banana and she comes to our back porch every morning for breakfast (I bought her a bowl, which is always filled and hubby gives her milk (and she does not like fat free milk!). Some days she will hang out with us all day - she has a comfy chair to sleep in. We enjoy her immensely!
ReplyDeleteStill got Puddie, who adopted us a few years ago after our old lady of 19 passed away. Puddie is an independent soul, but now the weather is turning colder and wetter she seems to feel indoors is an OK place to be at least some of the time, and 5 minutes lap time can be maybe arranged if it suits her. She's a very talkie cat with a huge range of sounds, and is usually happy to butt heads with me in the morning, or sometimes if we meet outside, as a fun cat hello. Hugz
ReplyDeleteAfter losing Blackie...I was so upset get another cat for over a year. Suddenly,I had this urge to go find another kitty which definitely had to be a rescue and I found a Tuxie named Yassi. I finally retired and first thing I did was to foster a ‘shutdown’ kitty, so off I set and this tiny little black kitty was as frightened as I’ve ever seen. She had been left in a crate with no blanket in the middle of a freezing night outside the shelter. The next morning they found a half frozen little cat and within 48 hours, she had delivered one kitten which didn’t live. Minnie was about 1yr old. I knew I needed to take her. And weeeeeell, she ended up a foster-fail. She’s mine and adorable! Ten months on and she’s the funniest little loving clown I could ever ask for. So very very lucky!
ReplyDeleteOh my Janis, the prizes are wonderful! I've been so lucky to receive Ike's before and loved them. How gorgeous is Rubber Dance (swoon!) and Crackerbox and Suzy stamps (Peeking cat looks like Yassi!) All of the prizes are perfect for the hop! Looking forward to running around to see this wonderful annual community's projects! xx
Fabulous sponsors once again!
ReplyDeleteVal LeighSBDesigns DT x
I am so excited this year! Great and generous sponsors too, I love your cute cat card! I am not a pet keeper person but love all cute animals.
ReplyDeleteFabulous sponsors for the hop!
ReplyDeleteMy kitty roll call.... I have Coco, my Siamese kitty. She needs to be an only child as she hates cats...
Sweet memories of kitties I have loved and lost. Yoda, Spooky, Kimmy, Kikko and Cosan. All very special and dearly loved.
It's been an interesting year for cats at my house. In December, my eldest granddaughter and her roommates had to find new housing under immediate and less-than-great circumstances. Somehow their 4 cats came to live with me (Ebony & Ivory - brothers; Luna - their half sister from the same mother but different litter; and Tina - feral rescue who is the true "scaredy-cat" - runs and hides at every sound.) I have been their 'babysitter' several times before so all have been here for a couple of days or even as much as 2 weeks at a time. I already have 3 house cats of my own (Honeybear (age 10), Molly (age 6), and Queenie (age 3)) and, despite all 7 of them being neutered, the 3 males all tormented each other and even chased and fought with 2 of the females. I had all 7 cats for more than 8 months, when the girls finally found a house they could rent and have their animals with them. In August, three of their four cats went to the new home but Tina (the youngest and a feral born cat who would not let me touch her even once the entire time she was here) stayed behind because nobody could catch her despite the fact that she was in the house. It took another 2 weeks before my granddaughter managed to coax her into a carrier and take her home.
ReplyDeleteIt took exactly 5 minutes for Queenie to realize that all the 'cousin-cats' had left and now her house was truly hers again! Queenie had hidden herself in various nooks and crannies most of the 8+ months that the cousin-cats were here and only came into the bedroom twice that I noticed (she always sleeps on the bed with me.) As soon as Tina was gone, Queenie was in the bedroom, talking constantly, and checking out the bed (in, on, and under it.) She inspected every inch of the house, then settled into the craft room, curled up on the desk beside where I was working. The other 2 cats welcomed her back from her self-imposed, 8 month long, isolation and you've never heard so much purring in one small room! lol All 3 now follow me from room to room and cry at the bathroom door if I close it (after all, a closed door means they can't guard me to make sure neither the throne nor the shower attack me unexpectedly.) Normal behavior has been completely restored!
Oh poor little guys. Such a long time for disruption but I am glad everyone is settled now (and also your granddaughter & Co) :-D xoxo
DeleteHello. I am so sorry to read that you were sick; I don't know how I missed that. Thankful for the ones who offered to help and offered well wishes! So glad you have recovered! And that your family is well also!
ReplyDeleteThanks also to the sponsors! So kind of them!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI have two cats. Misty and Simba are siblings that were barn kittens and are now 2 years old. They weren’t in perfect shape when we got them but we got them fixed up. Misty is a torbie and Simba is a ginger cat. They are super sweet and social but VERY anxious which makes for some strange behavior (not always good). I really like them all the same. They just are better company in a quiet house!
ReplyDeletehi Janis
ReplyDeleteThank you for another Coffee Lover blog hop!
Thanks for great sponsors!
I'm sorry you had covid,hope you are better now.
Susanne made such pretty decorations!
That's such an adorable card with Ike's cats!
I have 4 cats.
Coffee the cat is the queen!
She is the only cat that we bought.She is like baby,
Other cats we saved and adopted.
Speedy aka kitler LOL is saved from shelter.
Mini came one day to eat food that I put for another cat and he stayed.
Pixie was found by my daughter. Some bad man threw her from the car and Paola saw it and she took the kitty and brought it home.
Im looking forward for this blog hop and to see all great cat projects!
so I wrote all story here and it disappeared!
ReplyDeleteSo lets try it again.
Thank you Janis for another awesome Cat lovers blog hop!
ReplyDeleteThanks to all sponsors! They are so great and kind!
I'm so sorry you had covid,hope you are better now.
Susanne made such nice decorations!
such a nice card with Ikes cats!
I have 4 cats
Coffee- she is a queen cat.
She is like a little baby who always needs to be with me.
Coffee is the only cat that we bought,she is siamese
Other cats were saved.
Speedy is saved from shelter. she is a bit chunky :D
Mini is a cat that just showed up in our yard and stay.
He is a little sick,but nobody knows what is wrong with him.
I think he had a stroke.
and Marlene aka Pixie. My daughter found her.
Some bad man threw the poor kitty from the car and my daughter saw it and brought the kitty home.
I'm looking forward to all the gorgeous cat themed projects!
My cats - OK, a bit about each of them - get ready as I have 8 now!!
ReplyDeleteBud - a striped gray tiger, resident fly catcher, very mellow, I call him my stoner cat LOL LOVES to be petted
Junior - a small tiger, gray, black & white, resident gigolo (they are all fixed) as he adores playing with only the females
Sylvester - like a larger Junior, he has been a trial lately, in May he had a badly infected tooth and then recently cut his paw badly (NO idea how, they are all indoor cats) and had to go to emergency. He cut it down to the bone & tendons, but thankfully did no damage, but did need a few stitches and his bandage changed every few days. Second bandage change the anesthesia they gave him stopped his heart! He is fine now, no more bandage and back to talking up a storm - he's a big guy, part Main Coon
Mew - my love, last kitten I have gotten (she's 8 now), my fat, black cat. She's shy but very loving.
Max - ginger tabby, like a creamsicle. He is full of energy and loves to run around the house. He is also the cat that gets on your desk and flops, rolls around until everything is on the floor.
Sasha - a small little furball, she is actually my roommates (as is Em - the next cat) but she is an attention hog and anyone will do :)
Emmy Lou - Em, she's a HUGE cat, but is losing weight. Was very shy until me & my brood moved in, now she is social and loves to be with the others
Lily - was my old roommates cat, he moved back to CT so she is mine now, beautiful gray cat (looks like Stephen Kings cat if you have ever seen a pic) and she likes men much better than woman. She has started (after 4 years) to get up in my lap and loves nothing more than a perch and a window.
I actually have a cat page on my blog where you can see pics of some of them (I am behind on the picture situation) but if you are friends on FaceBook I post about them ALL the time <3
We rescue. We have ten indoor fur babies and fortunately have not lost any of them. We have nine outdoor fur babies (feral and semi-feral) in our fenced back yard and lost one of them a couple months ago. We called him YellaBoy. :(
ReplyDeleteOur ten indoor kitties are Poopie, Molly, Jack, Walter, Tigger, Dusty, Milo, Loki, Spike and Tater. Mocha Latte re-homed herself last year when we moved four blocks. She wanted to be back down the street with her BFF, Keech, so Keech's owners said they would take her. <3 Our nine outdoor kitties are Spot, Mama, Creamsicle, Puffy, Khaki, Levi, Flutterby, and two unnamed that just arrived this morning, brought to us by a cashier at our local grocery store. Somebody dropped them off on her porch... so of course we took them. :)
DeleteHi Janis!!! I am so sorry to read that you were sick; Thanks to the sponsors! So kind of them! I don't have cats I have a puppy but I love seeing everyone's cat pics and making cat cards!
ReplyDeleteThanks to all the generous sponsors! I had a gray tabby cat named Feisty for 17 years. He is no longer with us. He was more like a dog who loved to play fetch. I would love to get another cat some day, but since my daughter is allergic to cats, we now have dogs.
ReplyDeleteHello Janis! Thank you for organising the hop again. I am so sorry to hear that you had Covid, but am happy that you are recovered. Thanks to the lovely ladies who stepped in to help with the hop! You have an amazing array of generous sponsors!
ReplyDeleteSadly, my beautiful boy, Casey, crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June this year. He was 17 and so quite a good age, but that of course didn't make it any easier. We miss him every day - we still expect to see him in his favourite spots and I swear that some days we actually hear him meowing. He gave the best cuddles and head butts and was such a sweet soul. He may be gone, but will never be forgotten. It is too soon for us to be considering a new kitty.
Looking forward to seeing everyone's projects this week :)
As my husband and one of my daughters are allergic to cats, we can't have kitties now, but I grew up with lots of furry buddies..including 5 cats. All of them were either feral, strays, or shelter cats...and I loved them all! I even carry a scar across my temple from Bailey, who used my face as a race track when he ran away from Bubby one evening, ouch!
ReplyDeleteThank you for organising this hop. You have put so much into it as well as coming down with Covid. I am so glad you recovered without too many dramas and received help for this hop. Thank you to all the wonderful sponsors for coming on board too, they are all fantastic artists.
ReplyDeleteIchigo is my 11 year old big kitty! He is recovering from another cold so I am playing in the hop for him!
ReplyDeleteThanks to all the Fabulous Sponsors. No more pets at home now. In the past all my Cats were named in Chinese, named after different types of Chinese Beans.
ReplyDeleteWell I knew this was going to be hard. So sorry about your precious Perdita, Janis. Sometimes the kitties with health problems make the nicest pets. I enjoyed reading about all of your kitties, so interesting how they are all so different personality-wise. I like how you have a kitty named Brian (hubby's name), had to chuckle about that.
ReplyDeleteWell here goes, we just have one kitty remaining - Honeydew, who just turned 17 last month. He has thyroid disease and diabetes. We give him insulin shots twice daily, which strangely he seems to enjoy and look forward to, and his thyroid is beautifully controlled by a vet-prescribed food called Y/D. That's all he is permitted to eat, only Y/D, but it comes in canned and dry so he has a variety and really enjoys it as evidenced by his 17-lb weight.
Sadly we lost Kiwi last November (Honeydew's littermate) and then our sweet Snowie in February of this year. Brian and I still talk about both kitties every day and they have a special place in our hearts.
I also had a kitty called Muffin and he was a very special boy, stuck to me like glue, and he crossed the rainbow bridge in 2004 at the age of 18. Still very deep in my heart though.
So glad you were well enough to get the Hop going this year, Janis, despite losing a month to Covid. Thank you for being so organized and having things done ahead of time! And thank you to the very generous sponsors!
Sponsors for Days 1, 2, and 3 have all been thanked, either on their blog or facebook. Now I need to do some visiting of the link-ups - I'm way behind on that!
DeleteHere is my roll call.
ReplyDeleteWe still have these babies. Ralphie, our little Red Tabby, and our little scamp. He loves to greet visitors and keeps us entertained and on our toes! Mily, our little three legged Tortishell, who came here hurt and had to have her leg removed, but does just fine. She is like me and hates to be cold. She has the true Torti attitude, and loves a warm lap, when SHE chooses! P.J., our most senior kitty and my sweet black bear! He is getting fussier at times, but loves getting pets and sugar, and is a real sweetheart! And Leo, our Swirly Tabby, who loves to snuggle when we sleep and can tell when his Mommy needs extra love or is stressed or upset. Then we have two visitors. The first one we call Tux (used to call him Meow Meow Meow, but decided it was long long and silly a name! lol..) He is on the wild side. He is a fussy britches, but loves to be talked to and get some pets. Have treated him for worms and feeding him well. He is a Tuxedo cat with a white heart on his chest; a very pretty cat, but he fusses a lot! Hopefully, one day we can get him neutered. Him and Leo do not get along well. Lots of dirty talk and close calls with the two of them. He beat Leo up once, and Leo has not forgotten it! He plots his revenge. The last visitor is Nipsy. She is actually our neighbors cat, but stays with us sometimes. She is a black little girl, and has attitude for days! She is a sweet kitty though. We have spoken with her owner, and they are fine with her staying with us when she wants. We have gotten all of them fixed except Tux. Maybe one day. Life with these little stinkers makes life interesting!
#1. Bell is a calico, I found sleeping on my loveseat one day. Neighbors left her behind when they moved. She had a collar with a bell on so she is now Bell.
ReplyDelete#2 Cali Bella a feral I brought in- still can't touch her after years.
#3 Mama a tiger striped pregnant stray I brought in who had three litters? (12 kittens) before I got her fixed! I kept her and 3 of her kittens in 2018
#4. Mamas kitten Mickey. Spunky active and Mischievous!
#5.Mamas kitten Bon Bon a beautiful Siamese with brown to blue eyes. Bon Bon is calm and content. And slinks around the house with no worries.
#6. Tigress a stray I took in maybe 7 years ago? She is a Tigress-mean..
#7.Pretty Penny also one of mamas litters- the first one. Before I took her in at around 4 months old.. She just lounges around looking pretty, and is always ready to give you a hi five!
Feeding 3 black outside cats now. I have been bugging my brother to help me fix them a couple of warm shelters with straw before winter hits.
And JuJu, Willie, Marty, and Jerry all went over the rainbow bridge.
Pretty kitty card! Love the pink color around the kitties, and they are colored purrfectly! I also love how it is designed to look like they are laying on a pretty blanket! Sweet kitty image!
ReplyDeleteThe last cat I remember having was when I was living off the main highway in the country before I-95 was built and I was very young. His name was midnight and he was all black. He got run over and from then on we had every animal except another cat. I tended to pick up all kinds of strays and mama let me keep a lot. Squirrels included. [Bunny]
ReplyDeleteOur kitty Ari (which means lion in Hebrew), was special. He was a Bengal, had glittering, and gorgeous rosettes. He also had HUGE green eyes that freaked out kids. He used to play fetch with bottle caps. I miss him so much... I don't use digital stamps.
ReplyDeleteOK let's see...We had Sherry growing up - he was a grey/white boy, but with slightly more random markings than a tuxedo.
ReplyDeleteWhen I turned about 19 I had my dream of a persian. A Tortoiseshell called Jasmine (Jazzy) and by far the smartest cat we've had. To cut a very long story short Jazzy had two babies: Fossett (Fossy) our mini house panther and Kuching (Kutchy) a black and white Tuxedo. All in memoriam by now. 😭
Our current crew consists of Ophelia (PhiPha or Pheephs) who is a long haired torbie and Fitzwilliam (Fitz or Fitzy) a grey Tuxedo. I like to think of grey tuxies as wearing morning suits! If they got along we might have more than 2.
Ok....Kitty roll call time:
ReplyDelete1. Gretel- she is a grey/brown tortie and 18 years young. She sadly lost her brother (yep, Hansel) about 2 years ago and does her best to put on a brave face. She is kind and sweet but quite the grumpy old lady to younger felines. LOL!!
2. Ginger - she is a 10yo orange tabby that spends most of her time quite plump (20lbs?! ) Her ideal weight should be closer to 13ish. She is kind and sweet and loves attention.
3. Velvet-she is a 8yo black/white DSH who loves to hang out and observe what others are doing. She loves her people. Loves to sit next to them and be with them. petting please.
4. Andre- he is a 9yo tuxedo with an excessive amount of personality. He is more dog-like than any cat I've met. He recently won a "dog" costume class as pirate Andre. He sat perkily at the helm aboard his Jolly Rodger while the dogs ran around him. He is such a good sport.
5. Piper-our newest addition. He is a 10 week old tabby cat rescued from inside a pipe at a local farm. He is full of energy and terrorizes his older siblings. He is become fast friends with our Golden.
Kitty roll call:
ReplyDelete1. Spartacus aka Sparky. He is a brown/black spotted tabby, 15 years old and will probably be our last pet cat. He is an excellent mouser and loves to snuggle.
In Memorium:
2. Sir Toby Fluffypants. He was a long haired black and grey mackerel tabby, and Sparky's littermate.
3. Pandora, a sweet little tuxedo who lived to the age of 18
4. Inspector Apollo C. Pemberton, mostly white with grey tabby colored spots. Apollo was a big boy (20 pounds) and perfect in every way.
5. Smokey - silver and black tabby, and ...
6. Bandit - tuxedo female. Smokey and Bandit were littermates that we adopted at 6 weeks. We lost Bandit at age 6, but Smokey lived to 17.
Visitors: Davey who lives next door, a ginger tabby we call Sunny, and a calico cat who is new to the neighborhood
1. Peevey, my little Pet Peeve, who I had 18 amazing years getting to love him.
ReplyDelete2. Catapult (full name: Catawhatapultalina) She is 7 pound part Maine Coon and full of catitude! She totally the alpha princess in this household!
3. Velcro (a 15 pound domestic, short-hair, tabby who completely cowers when Catapult has the zoomies!)
Last cat we had visiting
ReplyDeleteus was Lemon. She moved
a few streets over and
had her own kittens.
Carla from Arizona
I love to play with baby kittens but I don't have pets!
ReplyDeleteThanks to great sponsors for the generous prize!
Hugs to all who are grieving losses and a scratch on the head to all the kitties still with us!
ReplyDeletewe don't have our own kitty but our grandma has her, so she is also ours a bit. grandma always rescues kitties and we don't have any names for them, we simply call them "kitty".
ReplyDeleteSo glad you were able to still do the hop after being sick. Great post with projects and sponsors.
ReplyDeleteWe still have our elderly cat Sabre and occasionally a stray we call Jack.