Monday, October 24, 2022




Handy List of 2022 Cat Lovers Hop Links
Upcoming Links for Daily Posts 
DAY 2: 2022 CAT LOVERS HOP (goes live Tues. Oct. 25) 
DAY 3: 2022 CAT LOVERS HOP (goes live Wed. Oct. 26) 
DAY 4: 2022 CAT LOVERS HOP (goes live Thurs. Oct. 27)
DAY 5: 2022 CAT LOVERS HOP (goes live Fri. Oct. 28) 
DAY 6: 2022 CAT LOVERS HOP (goes live Sat. Oct. 29)
WRAP UP POST:  2022 CAT LOVERS HOP (goes live Wed. Nov. 2)
 (Times for posts going live is just after Midnight ~12:05 am, Pacific Daylight Time..... or whenever I manage to get them up!!  lol...)

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome Friends and Cat Lovers!!!
I am so glad you are joining us for our 2022 Cat Lovers Hop....which will be going on all week right here Monday - Saturday, Oct. 24-29, 2022.  This is our 8th Year.....can you believe it???   This is the MAIN HOP PAGE where you can read the details of this year's Hop, get a sneak peek at our fabulous sponsors, and most importantly....LINK UP your projects.  Yay!!!

Before we go on........please take a moment to SIGN IN HERE.  I am asking everyone who wants to participate and be eligible to win prizes to please sign in to make my bookkeeping easier.  Thank you for helping me out this way!


Also, before you get started, PLEASE read the 2022 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs HERE. This will answer many of your questions, particularly if you are new to our hop!




In loving memory of
Sue Eisenhauer (Ike)

As most of you know, we lost a beloved member of our Cat Lovers Hop Family this year.  Sadly, our dear friend and cat lover, Sue Eisenhauer (Ike), lost a hard-fought battle against cancer.  We all knew her as the creative genius behind Ike's Art, Ike's World Challenges, and Show Us Your Pussycats Challenges.

Ike was a friend and faithful encourager to crafters all over the well as a tireless supporter of this Hop.  She spontaneously offered a prize from her blog the first year we ran the Hop and sponsored every year after that, becoming the official sponsor of our Daily Games feature.   

Ike launched the Show Us Your Pussycats Challenge Blog immediately after the first Cat Lovers Hop back in 2015 to keep the feline frolics going.  It proved to be a popular challenge....a fun and inspiring place for us to play throughout the year in between Cat Hops. (We are so grateful to another dear Cat Hop Family member, Fiki, for taking over the duties of the SUYP Challenge Blog now that Ike is gone. ❤❤❤)

In appreciation for all Ike did for so many of us, I am dedicating this year's Cat Lovers Hop to her memory.  Thank you, Ike.  We miss you!!   

(If you missed my tribute post back in April about Ike, you can find it HERE.  Also, the lovely Mia posted a wonderful tribute HERE.   Mia's post includes a beautiful magazine article featuring Ike that you won't want to miss.)

In honor of Ike and her wonderful art, Chris from over at Catnip and Kitty Whiskers kindly offered to Guest Design for us using Meowloween from Ike's Art.  Here's her super-fun Halloween Kitty card:

Be sure to check out Chris' blog post to find out more details about her card. Thank you, Chris, for Guest Designing!  ❤


How to join in the 2022 CAT LOVERS HOP:

There are three ways to get a chance to win a randomly-drawn prize from our awesome sponsors:  linking up a cat project, commenting on linked-up projects, and participating in the Daily Games.

1. LINKING UP A CAT PROJECT: The Cat Lovers Hop is open please SIGN IN, and then link up a cat-themed project right here at the bottom of THIS post by 11:55 pm Pacific, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022.
There is a limit of 5 projects for the week.
I hated to have to limit the number of entries, but it was getting a little bit unwieldy for us to get around to every entry to leave meaningful comments.  Thank you for understanding! 

***Please use #2022CatLoversHop on social media platforms (e.g. FB, IG, etc.) and allow PUBLIC (or UNLIMITED or ALL) permissions to view...not just FRIENDS...or most of us won't be able to see or to comment on your project!***

You may enter your project in as many other challenges as you wish. See my 2022 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs HERE to see what qualifies as a cat-themed project, so you don't miss out on being eligible for the prizes!! Around half the prizes will be randomly drawn from projects linked on this page. Be sure to include my 2022 Cat Lovers Hop Badge in your post.

2. COMMENTING ON LINKED-UP PROJECTS:  Leave a comment on any or all of the cat projects from the link up. The more comments you leave, the better your chances of winning!
Yes, we are doing 4 Extra Days for commenting again this year!!!
Comments on projects must be made by 11:59 pm Pacific, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 to be eligible for the comment prize drawings. (Those 4 extra days for commenting are especially helpful for visiting projects that come in on the last day of the link-up.)

Around half of the prizes will be randomly drawn from comments on the cat projects.  You must SIGN IN to be eligible for the comment prizes, even if you are not linking up a project.

And, yes....a PRIZE will be awarded to one randomly-drawn lucky hopper who comments on ALL the projects!!  I will have a special link-up on the final Wrap-Up Day next Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022....which is the last day to leave comments.  If you manage to comment on all the projects in the hop by 11:59 pm Pacific that day, you can link your name up on that Wrap-Up Day to be in the super-commenter drawing.

3. PARTICIPATING IN THE DAILY GAMES:  There will be  Daily Games (usually consisting of icebreaker questions about you and your cats) at the bottom of each of my daily posts (Those posts will have titles such as: Day 1....Day 2...etc)  This feature was sponsored by Ike's Art for many years.  We will soldier on and continue the Games, but without a sponsor now that Ike is gone. 😿 However, your comments on the Daily Posts will go into the drawings for comment prizes.
I hope everyone will continue to participate in the Daily Games.  They are a lot of fun and really do help us get better acquainted with each other and with each other's kitties. This is one thing that makes our Cat Hops so extra special!! You can participate in any of the Daily Games anytime throughout the duration of the Hop, including the extra days for commenting. 
I keep talking about sponsors and prizes, so I bet you want to know who they are and what they have donated as prizes. Right???? Of course you do!!!  This year's line up is more exciting than ever with 46 Sponsors!!!  WOW!   
Did you know that we have two sponsors that have generously provided prizes 8 years in a row?  Ike's Art had been one of the originals, too, but sadly we are now down to two faithful die-hards!  A special shout-out of thanks goes to:  Art Impressions and Newton's Nook. They have stuck with us since the beginning.  Annelise and ladies are fabulous!!!  THANK YOU!
Returning Sponsors:
I am so excited and grateful to have the following returning sponsors. I think you will agree that their support and generosity have made each of our Cat Lovers Hops extra fun!!! A huge thank you to each one of them for sponsoring us in the past and coming back for more of the furry frenzy this year!!! Here they are with the prizes they are offering this year:
Altenew - $20 Gift Voucher
Art Impressions - Feline Set stamps
Blank Page Muse - TWO Prizes: #1- Rufus the Cat stamp/stencil set and #2 - Edgar Cat stamp/stencil set (2 winners!)
Brutus Monroe - $25 Virtual Gift Card
CatLadyBox - A Gift Voucher for one of their deluxe CRAZY CatLadyBoxes

Crackerbox & Suzy Stamps - Peeking Cat stamp
Darkroom Door - Sitting Cat Eclectic Stamp

Fiki at Bad Kitty's Craft Room - a lovely stamp set
Gerda Steiner Designs - $25 Gift Code
Heffy Doodle - Purr-fect Day stamp set
Ink Road Stamps - TWO prizes:  #1 - A Cat Lover's Box of Goodies, #2 - $30 Gift Code (2 winners!!)
Jane's Doodles - $25 Gift Code
JessicaLynnOriginal - $25 Gift Code
Joy Clair - TWO prizes:  #1 - Funny Times Digital stamp set and #2 - Sweet Halloween Digital stamp set (2 winners!!)

Kat Scrappiness - Special Cat-themed Bundle
Lawn Fawn - Meow You Doin' stamp set PLUS Dies  
Leigh SB Designs - SIX prizes:  2 - $3.50 gift certificates to LeighSBDesigns Digi Stamps and SVG Cutz store, 1 - Cats Galore Collage and Senti Set - digi stamp set (digi prize), 1 - Kitty Geisha Doll digi stamp set (digi prize), 2 physical prizes - Cat themed SVG Cutz set of winner's choice from the 2 options below - cut from white mixed media cardstock. Winners can pick one of these two options: Black Cats Silhouettes SVG Cutz set or Skeleton Cat SVG Cutz set (6 Winners!!!)  Me-WOW!!
Lost Coast Designs - $10 worth of stamps of winner's choice
Newton's Nook Designs - $25 Coupon Code
Picket Fence Studios - Surprise bundle of Cat Stamps
Stamp On It - 3 Digital Images of the winner's choice  
The Crafter's Workshop -TWO PRIZES each containing two 6"x6" stencils: Flying Cat and Wild Prints stencils (2 winners!!) 
Unity Stamp Co. - FOUR - $25 Gift Codes (4 winners!!)
Viva Las VegaStamps - Assortment of unmounted Cat Stamps
Waffle Flower - $15 Gift Code
Whimsy Stamps - $20 Gift Code
Your Next Stamp - $20 Gift Code
New sponsors:
And here are our fabulous new sponsors for this year's Cat Lovers Hop. I know you will be thrilled to see who has come on board with us this year! Let's hear some welcoming purrs for each of them. (Purr...purr...purr...)
Art Foamies - Bundle containing: 1 Mittens stamp, 1 Cat Mom stamp set, 1 Stamp Buddy
Blue Knight Rubber Stamps - Climbing Kitten stamp
Colorado Craft Co - Bundle of Cat Products
DoodlebugsWA - $25 Gift Coupon
Fairy Hugs - Ed and Nala stamps
Honey Bee Stamps
- Smitten Kitten Stamps + Dies
I Brake For Stamps - Mystery Bundle of 5 Cat-themed stamps
Inkylicious -
Special new stamp set (more details later)
Magengo Designs - You Are Purrfect stamp set
Pretty Pink Posh - $40 Gift Code
The Old Island Stamp Co. - Grumpy Christmas Cat stamp
The Scrapping Cottage -
Cat In Garden die
Artful Angel - $15 Gift Code

Okay, now......just how incredibly fantastic is that line-up????? Are you excited yet? I am, too!!! I am so humbled and appreciative that each of these wonderful sponsors has agreed to support our Cat Lovers Hop. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all these new and returning fabulous companies!!! I will be introducing them in more detail on my daily posts, so be sure to come back each day!!

As I was listing all these amazing kitty stamp sets, it occurred to me that many of you cat lovers might already own some of these sets. If you would like to tell me in the comments of THIS MAIN HOP POST which (if any) of them you already have, I will try to make sure that if you happen to be a lucky winner you will get a set you don't have yet!  No guarantees, though. :) 

ATTENTION Sponsor Design Team Members:
Please remind me in the comments ON THIS POST if you are on the DT of one of our sponsors so I don't accidentally award you a prize from a company you are representing!!  

NOTE TO EVERYONE:  If you tell me other places that you already have a particular set, I might not see it.  So tell me right here in the comments for this post.  This is where I will be checking.  Thanks!
Remember:  You must be SIGNED IN and All cat-themed projects must be linked up right here at the bottom of THIS POST to be eligible for prizes. (Please use #2022CatLoversHop on social media!!)
So.....Are you ready????

On your claws. Get set. Gooooooooooooooooooo!!! Have fun with this and let me know if you have any questions.  Let's make this 8th Cat Lovers Hop the best one yet!!



  1. It's my first time at the Cat Lovers Hop and I'm very excited and of course I'm looking forward to it. I am impressed how many sponsors support this hop. Thanks to all sponsors for this generosity and to you, dear Janis, for organizing it. Gundi

  2. Woo-hoo! Let the cat-tivities begin!! So many fabulous sponsors - so generous! And so many fun prizes! (I do have both Riley & Co. sets as well as Darkroom Door's Sitting Cat I won last year!). And Chris' card is spooky cuteness and I agree, Kitty is asking where the candy is! Love the ribbons and pretty papers.

    1. AND I have Art Impressions 'Feline' set - so new to me I haven't inked it up yet!

  3. Let's Paw-rty!! :D Yay!! How many wonderful sponsors and correlate posts!! Thanks so much to you, Janis, and also to all the volunteers that are helping!! You are just fantastic!

    1. I'm sorry, but I can't comment on all the works, not only for my limited time, but also because I'm not on Fb neither IG

    2. That's not a problem, Alice. On the wrap up post, there will be an opportunity for those who couldn't comment on certain platforms to mention that. Thanks! <3

    3. Thank you Janis, I will write on the wrapping post. I really would want comment on some cards, but haven't social media accounts, only blogger.
      Hugs and thanks so much for all your hard work! This annual party is my absolutely favourite :)

    4. And I can't comment on Leslie's posts (, because I haven't a Wordpress, Twitter or Facebook account. :-(
      Why internet is so complicated lately?

  4. Woot, woot! I am so excited, Janis! Thank you for all you do to keep this hop so amazing every year for 8 years! Yes, I so agree - Ike was an amazing lady, so kind, generous and funny as well. I do miss her; I have very fond memories of her, including during this hop. A very special friend indeed; thank you for this lovely tribute to our dear friend. And Chris did a beautiful job with Ike's image, so cute!

    I just looked through your amazing list of generous sponsors and prizes, and these are the ones I already have:
    - Crackerbox and Suzy Stamps Peeking Cat
    - Darkroom Door - Sitting Cat Eclectic Stamp (bought it after last year's hop LOL)
    - LeighSBDesigns Cats Galore Collage Set (you'll see my card later today LOL)
    - Sunny Studio Meow & Fur-Ever.
    I am excited to get hopping! Thank you, Janis!

  5. Fabulous list of generous sponsors. I have Leigh’s sets already.

  6. VERY excited to be back another year! Thanks so much for all your hard work, Janis! I've looked at the huge lists of sponsors and I don't think I own any of the prizes! ;)

  7. Yay! So excited to be playing along with Crazy for Cats, thank you for including my new Crazy for Cats challenges in your post! I already have Lost Coast Designs/Carmen Veranda and LeighSBDesigns cat stamps.
    Have a wonderful crafty day
    Cat 🐱

  8. Thanks so much for hosting this fabulous hop! I look forward to it all year. That's a terrific lineup of sponsors and prizes and I only have one - Liegh SB Designs Cats Galore. Such a lovely tribute to Ike - I plan to use her images on my remaining four cards. I was happy to help in a small way by making a card using Lost Coast Portal. Off to start commenting!

  9. So excited to be a part of this amazing hop for the first time! Thank you for the opportunity to be involved! I am on the DT for Kat Scrappiness and Artful Angel. 😻

  10. So many wonderful sponsors and prizes! Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful cat projects!

  11. Great card by Chris! I love the kitty image and papers!
    A few of the prize items that I already have:
    Darkroom Door's Sitting Cat
    Lawn Fawn's Meow You Doin'
    Riley and Company's Felix the Cat

  12. So many awesome sponsors can’t wait to see all the cat projects. So excited this is my first year 😊 I am on Kat Scrappiness DT

  13. What fabulous work you have done to garner so many wonderful Sponsors, thank you for all you have done?! I'm looking forward to seeing the fabulous Cats projects. I do not own any of the prizes.

  14. I'm a little late to this hop...
    I had therapy yesterday and Mario's birthday so I didn't manage to come and play.
    But I'm here now!
    YAY! So happy for blog hop!
    Thank you Janis and thanks to all sponsors for the sponsoring!

    Sue was amazing woman and friend! Im so sad that we lost her...
    Chris made so cute card.
    dont have any stamps of these sponsors..
    I am so excited to get hopping! See you later!

  15. Hi Janis! Sooooo excited to join up again... Going to try and comment on all the fun too!
    I'm on Your Next Stamp and Poppy Stamp DT....
    I own a bunch of kitty cuties so instead of list the above, I'll just ask if I'm a LUCKY winner if I could get one of the Gift Certificate prizes that would be amazing!
    Thanks for all you do!

  16. FURRtastic start to your 8th hop, congrats! LeighSBDesigns is delighted to be sponsoring prizes and playing along again with our CAT-O-WEEN week too! Both Val and I have many Lost Coast/Carmen Veranda stamps. Val has the Lawn Fawn Meow You Doing stamp&dies (I don't wink wink LOL).

  17. Okay, as of this moment in time, I am completely up to date! I have thanked all the sponsors for Day 1 and Day 2 and commented on all of the entries! Can I keep up the pace? I don't know, but I will try! The kitty inspiration is worth it! So many adorable entries this year!

  18. I think it is wonderful that this year is dedicated to the amazing and sweet Ike! I found this hop through her and began to sense the awesome power of crafting with our kitty friends in mind! Thank you for the lovely tribute to our special, loving friend!

  19. I truly love the card making/crafting community, the companies and the people. Happy to be participating for the first year!

  20. For some reason I'm not able to link my projects up and keep getting an error message that says the app is unavailable now but that they are aware of the issue and it will be resolved. So will try again later!

    1. Oh, frustrating! Sorry for the snag. Thank you for alerting me. Please let me know if this problem persists. <3

    2. All fixed now Janis, thanks! Now if I can just manage to make and enter a card or two.

  21. Hi Janis!!
    Cant believe I almost missed the hop!
    But know FB wont let me link or comment! Error message! Hope it gets fixed asap!!

  22. YAY! a wonderful group of creatives!! Love the sites I'm visiting and so much inspiration!

  23. So much talent have already submitted! Great inspiration! I'm a first timer to this blog hoo but loving it so far!!

  24. Hi, Janis! I can't access Nina Bodozian's cards 81-85.

  25. I think Its a Facebook problem. I couldnt link from FB had to put in manually and use Link. I cant leave any comments either, gives an error message!

  26. Joining in late but from what I see so far, the entries this year are just wonderful! Hoping to get more cards made and uploaded before the end of the hop, and get some commenting done.
    As for stamp sets that I already have, it appears that the only one is the AI Feline set. As I don't currently have a cat, I would like to leave my name out of the running for the Cat Box Lady prize as well. Oh, and still no printer, so no digis please. Thanks so much Janis and thank you to the generous sponsors!

  27. Oh, and I just noticed that Riley and Company is offering their Felix the Cat stamp and die which I am already lucky enough to own too.

  28. Enjoying seeing the kitty pretties even tho I can't do anything again this year. Maybe next year will work out! Hugs n purrs to all!

  29. Thank you, Janis, for the tribute to Ike. I love to participate in this great hop. Kisses from Greece, my friend.

  30. Amazing sponsors and awesome prizes!!! All are wonderful!!! 😻😻😻
    Thank you Janis and sponsors!! So much fun to be a part of!!

  31. Just an FYI, Janus, in case my name pops up as a winner of the Stamp On It prize - I'm a challenge manager for QKR Stampede, one of their digi lines, and the prize would be wasted on me since I have access to most of their digital images for my DT work. They are a delightful company and they have such adorable digi and rubber stamps. :-D

    1. Sorry about the typo in your name, Janis. I do know how to spell it, honest!

  32. Love seeing all the cute cat-themed projects; everyone is so creative! :)

  33. Thank you Janis for this wonderful hop; I know you work so hard on it! And I enjoy it so much! I am getting a very late start (spent time with family), but I am looking so forward to it! Thank you also for your wonderful dedication to Ike! It was beautifully worded! Enjoying seeing everyone's linked cards, and so thankful we have extra days to comment. Hoping I can catch up! Thank you also to the fabulous and kind sponsors! They make it even more fun! Looking forward to seeing everyone's creations and reading their cat stories! :)

  34. I already own the Lawn Fawn "Meow you Doin'" set, and I'd like to leave my name off any Halloween themed stamps or images. Thank you so much Janis!

  35. I tried Nina Bodozian's cards 81-85 again. I can see them in Facebook but am unable to comment. I tried each one and can't seem to comment. Other people have left comments there but I don't recognize them from the hop, so perhaps Nina's friends are the only ones permitted to comment, not sure.

    1. KT, I think I fixed it! Please try again. 😻

    2. I just tried again, Nina. I can certainly see the cards in FB - along with a few comments - but there is no option for me to comment. I don't recognize the commenters' names from the hop.

  36. Just noticing Chris's comment above mine and I would also like to leave my name out of any Halloween stamps or images. I gave up Halloween a number of years ago.

  37. Fantastic prizes from so many wonderful
    companies. I got to meet some that I'd
    not met before so that was a big bonus.
    Thoroughly enjoyed the week.
    thanks for doing this every year. It is

  38. I'm not able to comment on Instagram entries (My Instagram acct does not work and have not been able change password or create a new), Flickr entries and Ddplit coast samplers entries.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  39. I have added my 5 and am now on to commenting! So many lovely creations to look at!

  40. Fabulous sponsors and prizes. I don't think I have any of the ones listed.

  41. This is a moving target but at this moment in time I am completely caught up with commenting and thanking sponsors. I gave it nearly the whole day again and enjoyed it very much! So many cute kitty cards and projects! I'll be back again tomorrow as I know there will be more adorable kitties to see! Really enjoying the inspiration and reminders of stamps I own that I haven't used for a while. Have a great evening, Janis!

  42. Wow! So many awesome cat projects linked up this year. I wish I had been able to join in more but we had a bout of rsv with my youngest, which included two ER visits, and two other kids down with colds. At least my girls had fun with their cat entries, even if I barely managed one. Thanks for an amazing hop Janis! By the way, my mom has the Feline Set by AI and the Felix stamp by Riley & Co., which I can borrow, so please leave me out of the drawing for those two if possible

  43. I've had a ball with seeing such wonderful inspiring projects! I have been around everyone's except fb and instagram as I dont have either. I cant comment on split coasters, though can view.
    What a fabulous hop this has been!!

  44. All finished commenting and I have a bit of a sad face now that it's over. I really enjoyed myself! THANK YOU for all you did and continue to do to make this hop the most fun crafting event of the year! Woot, woot! I'm already looking forward to the 2023 hop!

  45. I can’t believe it, I have commented on every single one that I could. That is a first for me. I’m exhausted!!

  46. I think this years Cat Lovers Hop was a brilliant success. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

  47. Janis...thank you so much for the lovely comments you have put on my blog! I am still commenting! Not easy as we have not had a decent internet connection since we moved into out new house on Oct 1st...

  48. Do I get the badge for being the last to finish commenting :)
    I hope I didn't miss anyone out. Isn't it wonderful to get traffic to our blogs - it seems to be tapering off such a lot these days, or is that just mine?
    I truly enjoyed seeing everyone's amazing designs. There is so much talent and creativity here and it's such a caring community. It is always a pleasure to take part in this annual event - it's certainly the highlight of my crafting year.
    Janis, you need to put your feet up and have a well deserved rest. We need you to gather your strength ready to do it all over again (with your little helpers) next year.
    I am always amazed at how many beautiful kitty products there are and the sponsors are always so generous.
    (I do have the Lawn Fawn set which was a Cat Hop prize one year, and the Pink & Main set.)

  49. WOW! What a fantastic group of sponsors. So happy to be a first timer on this hop! TY for all you do...

  50. Hi Janis, I thought I replied on this blog eariler, but I don't see my name, so I'm commenting again! Thank you for all of the amazing comments that you left on my blog, I really appreciated all of them! THANK YOU SO MUCH for putting on this amazing event every year! I tried go to each sponsor and thanking them, but for a lot of them, I either couldn't comment on their FB page or their blog didn't leave a place for us to thank them. I completed commenting on everyone's blog except for Nina Bodozian #81, #82, #83, #84 and #85 because I couldn't. I think you had to be her friend in order to comment.
    Please note the I already own the following stamp sets:
    Art Impressions - Catastrophy Set 4933
    Sunny Studio Stamps - Meow & Fur-Ever
    Heffy Doodle - Purr-fect Day
    Thanks you so much again.
    Roberta Stevenson


THANK YOU so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Your kind words encourage me so very much!!!

Have a lovely day!