Monday, October 21, 2019


It's TIME to HOP!!!!


Welcome, Welcome, Welcome Friends and Cat Lovers!!!

I am so glad you are joining us for our 2019 Cat Lovers Hop.  This is our 5th Year.....can you believe it???   This is the MAIN HOP PAGE where you can read the details of this year's hop, get a sneak peek at our fabulous sponsors, and most importantly....LINK UP your projects.  Yay!!!

First.....let's take a look down memory lane.....

Hop #1 - October 26-30, 2015
I totally did NOT know what I was doing.  I am so embarrassed when I look at this badge, but it is what it is.  lol...

My sweet Shy-Cat  (Chaienne) was my first badge kitty.
I had been hatching this Cat Lovers Hop idea in the Spring of 2015 and ran it past Jen at Newton's Nook.  She said she would love to sponsor and to contact her when my plans were set. That encouragement meant the world to me and we really have her to thank for it ever getting off the ground. Seriously! 

So I actually started planning the hop in late September of that year and was still looking for sponsors in the middle of October.  I was so tickled when 8 companies agreed to sponsor!!!   They were truly taking a chance on this unknown blogger contacting them to sponsor a half-baked idea for a hop!!  And then, during the festivities, others of you stepped up in the spirit of the hop and offered blog prizes, too.....including Ike's Art who became an official sponsor after that, but I consider her a sponsor from the beginning.  I was thrilled.  Ike also launched her super-fun Show Us Your Pussies cats only challenge blog soon after the hop.

Of course, going into this I was afraid nobody would show up to post projects.  So...I recruited some people that I had seen online that were cat lovers to "salt the mine", so to speak, asking them to post projects on the opening day!! Ha.  Some of the original people who posted a project on that very first day are still active with our Hops:  Karen, Kitty, Fiki, D.Ann, Becca, Mandy, Ike, Gail, and Michele.  My sincere gratitude to you ladies for helping launch this wild idea!!!   We ended up with an astounding 120 projects that first year.  I couldn't believe it!!

Hop #2 - October 24-29, 2016
I still didn't really know what I was doing, but I finally figured out how to make a decent looking badge! I also began the Badge Giveaway, encouraging you to post the badge ahead of the hop to help spread the word. THANK YOU to all who participated in that!!

My precious Aliyah asleep on my piano music. 
We had 15 sponsors that year and 149 projects!  WOW....we had grown in one year!  I introduced the Daily Games that year with Ike's Art sponsoring.  Ike has generously sponsored the Daily Games each year since.  🖤

Hop #3 - October 23-28, 2017
I was beginning to establish a routine for the hops and templates for the I sort of, kind of, felt like I knew what I was doing.  lol

This lovely pic of Perdita was too good to not use for this year.
We had 24 sponsors this time and 190 projects.  Still steadily growing!  So much fun.

Hop #4 - October 22-27, 2018
Last year's hop was even bigger and better!!

My dear Jetta....she sleeps on my pillow with me each night.

Last October I instituted the Sign-In process to streamline awarding prizes. I was relieved that you all were so cooperative and such good sports about that. Thank you!  We had 30 sponsors, 243 projects, and 64 total participants from at least 12 countries!!!  WHOA!!  Thank you all for making our Cat Lovers Hops grow.  

Did you know that Mandy at A Teacup of Scrapisms has participated in each of our Hops and keeps each year's badge on her sidebar?  My heart is so warmed whenever I pop over to her blog and see all those badges lined up.  THANKS, Mandy!!  You are a sweetheart.

I hope you have enjoyed this brief overview of how we started and got to the place we are now. And now.....for this year's hop!!!

Before we go on........please take a moment to SIGN IN HERE.  I am asking everyone who wants to participate and be eligible to win prizes to please sign in to make my bookkeeping easier.  Thank you for helping me out this way!


Also, before you get started, PLEASE read the 2019 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs HERE. This will answer many of your questions, particularly if you are new to our hop!

How to join in the 2019 CAT LOVERS HOP:

There are three ways to get a chance to win a randomly-drawn prize from our awesome sponsors:  linking up a cat project, commenting on linked-up projects, and participating in the Daily Games.

1. LINKING UP A CAT PROJECT: The Cat Lovers Hop is open please SIGN IN HERE, and then link up a cat-themed project (or projects...there is no limit) right here at the bottom of THIS post by 11:55 pm Pacific, Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019.

***Please use #2019CatLoversHop on social media platforms (e.g. FB, IG, etc.) and allow PUBLIC (or UNLIMITED or ALL) permissions to view...not just FRIENDS...or most of us won't be able to see or to comment on your project!***

You may enter your project in as many other challenges as you wish. See my 2019 Cat Lovers Hop Guidelines and FAQs HERE to see what qualifies as a cat-themed project, so you don't miss out on being eligible for the prizes!! Around half the prizes will be randomly drawn from projects linked on this page. Be sure to include my 2019 Cat Lovers Hop Badge in your post.

2. COMMENTING ON LINKED-UP PROJECTS:  Leave a comment on any or all of the cat projects from the link up. The more comments you leave, the better your chances of winning!  Comments on projects must be made by 11:59 pm Pacific, Sunday Oct. 27, 2019 to be eligible for the comment prize drawings. (Notice that you have an extra day for commenting, especially helpful for visiting those projects that come in on the last day of the link-up.)  Around half of the prizes will be randomly drawn from comments on the cat projects.  You must SIGN IN to be eligible for the comment prizes, even if you are not linking up a project.

And, yes....a PRIZE will be awarded to one randomly-drawn lucky hopper who comments on ALL the projects!!  I will have a special link-up on the final Wrap Up Day next Sunday, October 27, 2019....which is the last day to leave comments.  If you manage to comment on all the projects in the hop by 11:59 pm Pacific that day, you can link your name up on that final day to be in the drawing.

3. PARTICIPATING IN THE DAILY GAMES:  There will be  Daily Games (usually consisting of icebreaker questions about you and your cats) at the bottom of each of my daily posts (Those posts will have titles such as: Day 1....Day 2...etc) There are prizes from our sponsor, Ike's Art!!  And no blog is required!!  :)
  You can link up your entry to the Daily Games throughout the duration of the Hop, including the extra day for commenting.  You need to be SIGNED IN and have your entries in for the Daily Games by 11:59 pm Pacific, Sunday Oct. 27, 2019 to be eligible for the prizes. These prizes will be available world-wide! Yay!!   

NOTE:  Even if you do not use digital images and don't want to link up for the drawings, PLEASE PARTICIPATE IN THE DAILY GAMES so we can get better acquainted with you!!  This truly is what makes our Cat Hops so extra special!!

I keep talking about sponsors and prizes, so I bet you want to know who they are and what they have donated as prizes. Right???? Of course you do!!!  This year's line up is more exciting than ever with 32 Sponsors!!!  WOW!  

Did you know that we have three sponsors that have generously provided prizes 5 years in a row?  A special shout-out of thanks goes to:  Art Impressions, Newton's Nook, and Ike's Art.  They have stayed with us since the beginning.  Annelise, Jen, and ladies are fabulous!!!  THANK YOU!

Returning Sponsors:
I am so excited and grateful to have the following returning sponsors. I think you will agree that their support and generosity have made each of our Cat Lovers Hops extra fun!!! A huge thank you to each one of them for sponsoring us in the past and coming back for more of the furry frenzy this year!!! Here they are with the prizes they are offering this year:

Altenew - $20 Gift Voucher
Art Impressions - Cozy Cat Cubbies stamp set
CatLadyBox - A Gift Voucher for one of their deluxe CRAZY CatLadyBoxes. (Me-WOWza!!)

Clearly Besotted - £10 (pound sterling) Gift Voucher
Darkroom Door - Sitting Cat stamp

Fiki at Bad Kitty's Craft Room - package full of fun kitty crafting items
Gerda Steiner Designs - Playful Kitten stamp set
Ike's Art - "Mood Cat" digital image set designed especially for this hop.  These digis will be prizes for our Daily Games.
JessicaLynnOriginal - Celine's Kittens stamp set
Kellie Stamps - Crazy Cat Lady digital stamp set
Knitty Kitty - Special "Hanging Hearts" digi image designed esp for this Hop PLUS 2 single digis (or 1 digi set) of winner's choice
from her store
Leigh SB Designs - $10 Gift Voucher to her Etsy store
Lost Coast Designs - $10 Gift Voucher to the online store
MarkerPOP - Mystery package full of crafting supplies ($50 value) to a USA winner willing to pay shipping ($6.50) via PayPal.
Please let me know in the comments if you want to be in the drawing for this prize. I don't want anyone to be obligated to pay shipping for a prize unless they tell me they are okay with that. (NOTE: I have been the lucky recipient of one of their mystery packages and the one I received was WELL WORTH that much shipping and more!!)
Neat & Tangled - $15 Gift Voucher to the online store

Newton's Nook Designs - $25 Gift Voucher to their online store
Paper Smooches - Cat Dog Card Dies
LOTS OF PRIZES for lots of winners!!  Laurel Burch Feline Blooms PLUS DiesLaurel Burch Indigo Cats PLUS Dies, Feline Friends Like You, Feline Love, and Feline Clan stamps
STAMPlorations - $15 Gift Voucher to the online store 
Sunny Studio - Purrfect Birthday stamp set
Sweet 'n Sassy - $15 Gift Voucher to the online store
Taylored Expressions -
If Cats Could Talk Stamp and Die Combo
Unity Stamp Co. - TWO $75 Mystery Prizes!!!!!
Your Next Stamp - $15 Gift Voucher to their online store

New sponsors:
And here are our new sponsors for this year's Cat Lovers Hop. I know you will be thrilled to see who has come on board with us this year! Let's hear some welcoming purrs for each of them. (Purr...purr...purr...)

Jane's Doodles - Cats stamp set
Joy Clair - TWO Just Kitten Around stamp sets
Lawn Fawn - Meow You Doin' stamp set PLUS Dies
Poppystamps -  All these dies to one winner: Whittle Cat, Kitty Face, and Friendly Cat
Riley and Company - Felix the Cat stamp PLUS Die

Rubber Dance - Purr-fect! stamp set
The Cat's Pajamas - What the Froth stamp set
The Crafter's Workshop -TWO PRIZES each containing two 6"x6" stencils:  Kitties and Flying Cat

Okay, now......just how incredibly fantastic is that line up????? Are you excited yet? I am, too!!! I am so humbled and appreciative that each of these wonderful sponsors has agreed to support the Cat Lovers Hop. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all these new and returning fabulous companies!!! I will be introducing them in more detail on my daily posts, so be sure to come back each day!!

As I was listing all these amazing kitty stamp sets, it occurred to me that many of you cat lovers might already own some of these sets. If you would like to tell me in the comments of this post which (if any) of them you already have, I will try to make sure that if you happen to be a lucky winner you will get a set you don't have yet!  No guarantees, though. :)

Also, very important: IF YOU LIVE IN USA, do you want to be in the running for the MarkerPOP prize (value $50) that will require you to pay $6.50 in shipping via PayPal? If so, please say in comment "YES - MarkerPOP". (It will be WELL WORTH the shipping price!)

All cat-themed projects must be linked up right here at the bottom of THIS POST to be eligible for prizes. (Please use #2019CatLoversHop on social media!!) Each day of the hop, I will have DAILY games with a link-up on that day's post....specifically for THAT game. PLEASE do not link your cat project up in the daily posts......only right here on THIS POST. Thank you!

So.....Are you ready????

On your claws. Get set. Gooooooooooooooooooo!!! Have fun with this and let me know if you have any questions.  Let's make Hop #5 the best ever!!!



  1. 5 furbulous years - Meowza!!!!!
    Thank you SO much, Janis, for all your hard work in arranging this for us -- it's truly my favorite hop of the year! May this be the best ever (until next year, that is)!

    I have: AI Cat Cubbies; Lawn Fawn Meow You Doin'; Stampendous LB Indigo; Sunny Studios Purrfect; Taylored Expr If Cats Could Talk;

  2. Love your hops! "YES - MarkerPOP".

  3. Woohoo! I really enjoyed this walk down Memory Lane, Janis! I am so happy the hop has continued each year and that it has grown to what it is today! Each year just gets bigger and better! I have been here from the beginning and these hops truly are a highlight of my crafty world!

    THANK YOU for this hop, Janis, and THANK YOU to all of these amazing and very generous sponsors! I would be thrilled to win any of these prizes! I guess I'm slipping with my cat stamp collection because there are only two items on the prize list that I already own (Jane's Doodles Cats and Joy Clair's Just Kitten Around). I would be beyond thrilled to win any of the other prizes!

    P.S. I'm in Canada so not eligible for the MarkerPOP prize.

  4. Joining in for the first time this year. You have worked sooooo hard to bring this altogether. Hugs Mrs A.

  5. Let the fur-tivities begin!! hehe what a fabulous line up of awesome companies and prizes. Yes, I will pay the fee for the Marker Pop prize if I win and I would be so happy to win ANY of the prizes so generously offered. Thanks so much, Janis, for putting this together yet again - it's a highlight of the year for me! :-)

  6. Whoo hoo, or maybe that should be prrrrrr, puurrrrrrr. We are feline good today. Thanks to all the amazing sponsors. I would be happy with any prize, but I do already have the Rubber Dance set and probably don't need a voucher to Lost Coast Designs cos I am on their DT too LOL. Here's my first make. HUgz

  7. Love this hop!
    Will hop all around!
    thank you Janis for organazing this hop!

  8. Woohoo, the Kitty fun has begun, it’s my pleasure to sponsor the FURRtivities again this year and play as well >^...^<
    Leigh S-B

  9. Oh my GOODNESS! WOW! What a fabulous line up on sponsors, Janis! Congratulations and thank you so much for all of the hard work you do each year. I would be thrilled with any prize and that would be a YES to Marker Pop, as well. Gonna start hopping and then hopefully crafting since I just became aware this morning. Haven't been myself in the crafting world nice my Goliath died. I will be hopping in his honor. xxD

  10. After 4 years of dithering I'm here to play at last!

  11. Definitely "Yes" to MarkerPOP. :-D This is either my 3rd or 4th year. I know I played in 2016 and for sure I played last year. I think I played in 2017 but I've cleaned up and deleted so many of my blog posts that I can't track it. Regardless, I'm here this year! Thanks so much for everything you do each year to make this a great success, Janis. :-D

  12. It's here at last! So excited to see everyone's makes. Janis you are truly amazing - you have a fabulous line up of generous sponsors and the hop is going from strength to strength!T hank you for all your dedication and hard work in making this hop possible. I would be over the moon to win any of the prizes! xx

  13. What a great lineup of sponsors. I would love a chance at the Marker POP. So YES MarkerPop. I don't have anything on your list and would love a chance to own any one of them. THANKS!!

  14. What a great line-up of sponsors. Thanks so much for arranging all of this, Janis! hugs xxx

  15. I am so excited for the hop Janis, and my two girls have been even more eager to join in the fun. They've been working on cat themed projects for months (thanks to their crafty Grammie)and love getting their kitty fixes as we admire all of the projects along the way. Yes please to the Marker Pop prize. We don't use digis, and since my mom has the Stampendous Feline Blooms and Paper Smooches cat/dog die, we can use hers. Thank you for all your work on the hop. Five years. wow!

  16. Day 1 of the Cat Lovers hop and I am already impressed with so many beautiful projects. Who would have thought this would take off in such a big way! Just goes to show that Cat Lovers are plentiful AND enthusiastic. Thanks for another great hop and challenge..and thanks as well to all the generous sponsors.

    1. Oops, forgot to say that I would love to win the Marker Pop prize, and that I already have Feline Blooms and the Paper Smooches die set (as you know!)

  17. I just ADORE cats and have six, plus the stray colony that I feed daily. So this Hop just appeal to me so much! :D
    Thank you for all your efforts and thanks so very much to the amazing sponsors!!! There are A LOT of supportive sponsors!! WOW! And you are SUPER!

    1. I forgot to say that I already own Jane's Doodles Cats. They are just fabulous :)

  18. My first time to your
    blog and the cat lovers
    hop sounds amazing! Lots
    of wonderful sponsors and
    great giveaways! Yes to
    MarkerPOP prize.
    Carla from Utah

  19. What a fantastic hop you've coordinated, Janis! Just entered my first card! And YES to MarkerPOP - I'd be honored! ;)
    Love To Scrap 2

  20. So great to be here again - my Year 5 too :-D Thank you for having me as one of your Sponsors xxxx
    IKE =^..^=

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog
    FB Fan Page
    Cat Lovers Challenge Blog

  21. I have seen this hop the past couple of years but never got around to participate! I am determined to play along this year! The cards are all so sweet and fun!

  22. Woo Hop! The fifth year is going to be great! I definitely have more cat stamps to play with for it....wink. A big yes to Marker their store!

  23. Dear Janis
    I have come to love cats of late and i am super happy to join. Blessings

  24. Awww!!! I'm so excited for this amazing and funny hop!
    Thanks to all these great Sponsors!!!

  25. I can't comment on flickr any more, they seem to have messed up my account, so can i just say here what great cards I'm seeing shared via flickr, with a very special mention to Blair and Remi.

  26. It is awesome to see all the different cat images out there! This is going to be fun! BTW Yes-MarkerPOP

  27. Exciting Cat Lovers event is here again, thank you so much for hosting your 5th year and thanks to all the generous sponsors.

  28. Very pleased to be taking part this year.

  29. I am loving taking part again... what grrat inspiration. So far have managed to comment on all but icloud and one other which doesn't seem to have a cat make.

  30. I made it!!, am a little late, but will catch up!! So happy to be here again... for the 5th year!! What a lovely lot of generous prizes! Lots of fun to be had.... Wouldnt miss it for the world x

  31. Such a fun hop filled with wonderful inspiration. Thank you to you for all of your work and to the wonderful sponsors!!

  32. I am so excited to have learned about this hop via Newton's Nook Designs! Thanks for putting it all together!
    Debbie, aka Indy
    P.S. I'm good with the shipping if lucky enough to be chosen for Markerpop!

  33. thank you so much to the very generous sponsors! I am leaving a few comments as I am able, and also working on a project that I am trying my best to have completed by the deadline. I don't work very fast these days, but am trying. ;) I just love the idea behind your hop!

    yes to Marker Pop. :)

    1. As I was going through entries leaving some comments, I noticed that my entry doesn't have my name associated with it. Sorry about that. Gremlins playing around while I was uploading, I guess. ;) Anyhow, I think I am #201. Thank you for a fun hop!

  34. I want to extend my apologies to each of you who use Flickr to post your projects. I don't have a Flickr account and that means I can't leave a comment. I do go and view them all but can't tell you how much I enjoy them so I'm doing it here. :-D

  35. Thanks so much for all the work you do for this fab hop and to all the wonderful sponsors! I would definitely be willing to pay shipping if I were fortunate enough to win MarkerPOP prize.

  36. Oh my goodness, we have 228 entries so far and I know we can kick it in to match last year's total of 243, right? I promised that I wouldn't make anymore cat projects but I think I lied.

    1. Karen, We've now bypassed last year's total! Woohoo

    2. You guys are totally awesome!!! No matter how many projects I comment on, you keep piling them in here and I remain about 50 projects behind you. Good thing I gave us an extra day to comment, right? lol... Hugs to all of you!!!


    3. YES!! Cat Lovers are a loving, caring, and prolific crafting group...that's a fact!

  37. Sadly there are some entries I can't comment on as I don't have a wordpress account :(

  38. I have commented on 93 so far, I think I won't make it through to the end! Wow what a lot of entries. Great hop though thank you.

    1. Comment on as many as you have time for because it increases your chance of winning!! :) So glad you are able to work your way through the list as much as you can. The projects this year are spectacular!!!


  39. Wow the hop is so darn impressive this year! Thank you for all your hard work Janis and for making this so awesome! <3~

  40. YES to the Marker Pop and I already have the Paper Smooches cat dog card die set.
    It has been a very busy week and 4 grandchildren are spending the night so I hope I have time to blog hop and play the daily games.
    Thanks for putting on the blog hop again. There are amazing projects.

  41. Thanks for putting on this wonderful hop again this year! I thought I was prepared, but unfortunately I wasn't! :( I am hoping that I will be more ready next year. This is just my second time participating, but I did look forward to it all year! Thank you so much for sponsoring this amazing event.


THANK YOU so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Your kind words encourage me so very much!!!

Have a lovely day!