Sunday, October 27, 2019



Welcome to final Wrap-Up Day of the

The link-up for projects is closed,
Comments close at 11:59 pm Pacific, Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019.
(Remember, half the prizes are awarded to commenters!!)

 SIGN IN HERE (required to be eligible for prizes) and then go to the Main Hop Page
where you will find the projects linked-up to comment on.

Daily Games on each of the daily posts are still open for commenting and linking up to enter for those prizes, too!

Hi, Friends......

I can't believe we are done with the Cat Lovers Hop for this year!!!  We ended up with a total of 281 looks like a few more than that, but some entries were deleted early on with the assigned numbers staying the same.  WOW!!!  You all have outdone yourselves with kitty cat creativity!!   I am thrilled to pieces with all you have done!!!  THANK YOU!!

Before we go on.....
We want to express our deep sympathy to Leigh Snaith-Brunton and Val Snaith who lost their dear family kitty, Mango, this week during the Hop.  Mango was the inspiration behind many of Leigh's stunning cat images and their spectacular pieces of art.  All of us grieve with you at the loss of this beautiful and beloved cat. đź’”

How are you doing on commenting?????  Remember you can leave comments all day today (Oct. 27, 2019), through 11:59 pm Pacific.  With all the awesome projects linked up, I am glad for that extra day! How about you?  Half of our awesome prizes will go to random commenters that are SIGNED IN HERE, so you will want to leave as many comments as you have time for.  

Also, remember there is a special prize for one of you lucky commenters who manages to make it through the entire list by tonight!!  Link up your name at the bottom of this post if you manage to comment on EVERY post to be in that drawing!!  No, you DON'T have to comment on your own projects, but it makes me chuckle when you do!! Ha.

NOTE: Some of you might not have accounts at all the platforms that hoppers have used to post their projects..and so are NOT able to comment on those projects. That's okay....I am making an exception for link-ups that go to FB, IG, or Flickr and maybe one or two other troublesome platforms. Please comment on those projects if you possibly can, but if you can't because you don't have an account there it will not count against you for this prize.  If you are having trouble commenting on a project or two, just make a note of it in the comments, please. Thanks!!
Special allowance also is being made for California Hoppers who are undergoing a Public Safety Power Shutoff because of your extremely high fire danger. If that affected you this weekend and caused you to be unable to finish commenting, please email me ASAP and I will include you in the draw. is Janis doing on commenting, you might wonder.....????
Well, I got off to a good start this week with my comments, but fell behind by about 50 projects...and there I remain.  At least that number is reasonable.  I think I can finish up today.  Yay!!  

I admit to being slow to visit each project. I like to take my time as I work through the link-up, reading each post, laughing (and sometimes crying) at the cat tales, and enjoying each project.  You have taken a ton of time on your entries and posts...and I don't want to miss a thing!!!  You guys work as hard at this hop as I do and deserve my full attention to your projects.  Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put in.

After all the gates are closed on the Daily Game link-ups and will take me a few days to get all the winners run with  But I will be posting that list as soon as I can, so be watching for it!  I hope to have the winners list posted here on Wednesday, but we'll see how the number crunching all goes!

Hasn't our 2019 Cat Lovers Hop been fun?????  THANK YOU soooooooo much for all your excitement and participation.  I wouldn't be doing it, if I didn't get such positive encouragement from all you cat lovers out there!!  You have made 2019 the best year ever for our Cat Lovers Hop!!!  

That's all for now.  I'll let you get on with your commenting, and I will see you in a few days with the Winners List!!!  Yay!!!

Remember: If you managed to comment on all the projects in the Hop (with the above exceptions), you may put your name in the link-up below to be in the draw for a special prize.



  1. Thank you so much for doing this, I've really enjoyed and been inspired by it. It must be a HUGE amount of work for you, organising sponsors and running the draws as well as writing all the posts and doing a marathon comment-a-thon!

  2. Very thankful to all your annual Cats Lovers Blog Hop which I thoroughly enjoyed and discovering new Stamps Co too. I do wish this event lasts a little longer. Ive commented to almost all except for Splitcoaststampers ones which Im not a member and also on Flick which seem to have some issues that I cannot post my comments to some.

  3. Thanks again for an AMAZING Hop, Janis! I only managed one project but was happy with that and thoroughly enjoyed everyone else's. My heart goes out to Leigh and her Mom, Val in this difficult time, too. Yes, there have been quite a few tears shed this time for sure. Another bout of insomnia allowed me to finish commenting on EVERYTHING since the 2 iCloud submissions disappeared from the linky. So sad it's over but will be thinking of all the work you have ahead of you still. Best of luck. Wish I could help. Huge hugs! xxD

    1. Glad I went back and checked! Almost missed one from Day 1! xxD

  4. I just finished commneting!
    oh these are so wonderful cat themed projects from all!
    I have so much fun !
    Im so sorry for Mango..
    Thank you Janis for organazing this awesome blog hop!
    Thanks to sponsors and to all who came to my blog!
    I realy had best time during this hop!

  5. I just finished commenting but could only like Vivian Foo's on Facebook for some reason. I've enjoyed every story, scrapbook layout, card and project. This is my 2nd year and was so happy to join in. Your hop is a wonderful tribute to all the cats who are loved, past and present. THANKS!!!

  6. WoW ! Well - I've just visiting and commenting on everyone :-D Had great trouble with the WordPress entries. I was logging in but sometimes the comments didn't show and sometimes they did so I am going to re-visit and see what I can do there.
    The only ones I could do were the Instagram entries - I don't have an acc. there.
    Thank you so much for another fabulous Hop Janis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I have been having the same trouble with WordPress for the last number of months! So frustrating. I finally discovered that by going back to the previous page or two (after the rigamarole of logging in...again!!...and going through the verification hoops, etc) that my comments actually HAD posted most of the time. So weird. Technology is great...when it works!!! Ha. Thank you for your persistence at commenting!!


  7. I've just finished commenting on the last of the entries. I don't have Flickr or Instagram accounts so wasn't able to comment on these but I did visit each of them. I'm also living in California but so far, haven't lost power this time. I shouldn't say that - it might jinx things! Thanks so much for all the hard work you've done to make this hop enjoyable to each and all of us. See you next year, Janis!

  8. It's been so fun! Wish I could have made a few more cards, but it just hasn't worked out that way! Wonderful projects along the way, and I have enjoyed each of your creations, Janis!
    Power shutdowns have got me off schedule and a bit "kittywampus", as I like to call it, but I am thankful that my area in CA is not affected by the fires. Stay safe everyone!

  9. I did it, I did it! And yes, I even commented on my own entries! I think the only entry I missed was something in iCloud - had no idea how to comment. I was good with the rest. I guess I should go back to one of your other posts where you asked us our handles - I'm Karen Garber in Facebook, fitkit2018 in Instagram, and Stamping Kitty on Splitcoast. The hop was the best one yet, Janis! I think 6 days is the purr-fect length for this hop. Although I wish it could go on longer, I need to get my housework done! Everything fell by the wayside this week!

    So sorry to read about Mango, it's been a very sad week for kitty losses and memories of my own Muffin kitty who's been gone for 15 years but always in my heart.

    Thank you for all of your sweet and thoughtful comments on my entries, Janis! I really appreciate them! And I know I've already thanked you for the hop, but it was an AWESOME one! I don't think anyone else could ever do it justice, you are the purr-fect hostess in every way!

  10. ...So sorry to hear about Mango :((
    I want say you a BIG thank you for all the work you do to make the Cat Lovers Hop the amazing experience that it is!!!
    How many crafty cat lovers on blogland, I have never thought to meet so much of them!! :D
    I enjoyed reading their stories, looking at their works and commenting, and I'm also very glad to have received lovely comments from a lot of them.
    Your daily play games were fun and interesting, I'm sorry to haven't had time to enjoy all them!! And you are the most sweet and full-of-energy purry-lady that I know :D
    Janis for president!! :D LOL
    Big hugs

  11. Fabulous fun Janis. Thanks for all your hard work. Thanks to all the wonderful sponsors. I am far behind with commenting but will try and catch up with a few more tonight. I managed to get a few projects in and thanks to everyone who left a comment on my cards. Hugz

  12. Wow, what a fun hop and what a amazing group of Cat Loving crafters we all are! The number and variety of projects were impressive and the cat stories that went along with them were by turn hilarious, heart-warming, and heart-breaking. Thank you so much Janis, for your work in putting the hop together and for your detailed and thoughtful comments on all the projects. Thank you also to the many generous sponsors who make this hop even more fun.
    I was battling possible power shut downs (which stopped just three blocks from my house..whew!), and a wildfire that started up this morning....but I managed to comment on every entry. It was so worth it, because these projects were FABULOUS!
    Thanks, especially, to those who left such sweet comments on my granddaughter's projects. They are my crafting buddies and there's nothing I enjoy more than sitting down with the two of them...and making a mess with paper and ink!

  13. A huge thanks to you Janis for all your hard work to make this hop such a fun week,I'm still working through the comments but as you say I don't want to rush it as it's so lovely seeing all the talented crafter's projects and reading some of the stories has made me smile. My condolences to Leigh and Val, Mango looks such a beautiful cat that I'm sure will be missed in the family. Sending a big crafty hug xx

  14. Thank you so much for all the fun, dear Janis!!;
    I've just finished to comment. Awesome projects and inspiration!!!
    The only entry I missed was post in iCloud - 62. eeeeeeee
    I had no idea how to comment.
    I've heard about Mango and I'm so sorry...

  15. Thanks Janis for putting this on again!

  16. So sad about Mango - this was the first time I had seen a pic of him. He looks just like my kitty, Henry, from when I was a child!
    Thank you again, dear Janis, for ALL you do to put this pawsome & fun hop together for us kitty lovers. :-) Love ya! Hugs! Becca xxoo

  17. I didn't even get close to commenting on all of the projects and am just proud of myself that I managed to make a few cards myself, and link up my girl's projects! Thank you for an amazing hop Janis, and thank you to everyone who participated and commented. Remi, Blair and I had so much fun looking at all the entries and reading the comments that people left. Wish I had more time to enter and comment, but my 10 month old is keeping me busy!

  18. So sorry about Mango and
    also Newton. Both wonderful
    inspiration for everyone.
    I have so enjoyed all the fun
    this week and thank you for
    the fabulous hop.
    Carla from Utah

  19. Thanks for another great hop Janis - so much fun and inspiration! Had so many visits to my blog and lovely comments. Pretty sure I have commented on everyone...

  20. I managed to comment on almost all of the entries. The iCloud one I didn't manage and, for some reason ,Denise Bryant's link to SpitCoast Stampers told me they had been removed. Other than that, I think I managed to visit and comment on all the others.
    What a fabulous week it has been! Some super projects, great friendships and tons of new ideas for next year! Thank you so much Janis! You are a super star! xx

  21. AHHHHH I'm way behind on commenting! I am so thankful for all you have done! What a wonderful hop and daily inspiration! Happy to be a part of this for my FIRST year :)

  22. I did manage to comment on each comment but I missed the deadline. Ah never mind.
    I don’t have fb, IG. Some word press can be difficult at times. And couldn’t do split coasters. Otherwise loved it all!!!

  23. Thank you for this hop - I've had great fun - I didn't realise at first there were prizes for commenting - I was wondering why I was getting so many comments lol! Hope to join you again next year. Thank you for all your hard work xx

  24. I commented on every post.. Loved the Hop!!


THANK YOU so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Your kind words encourage me so very much!!!

Have a lovely day!